
Samrat Goswami

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16EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, Samrat Goswami: Multi-component heart reconstruction from volumetric imaging. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008: 193-202
15EESamrat Goswami, Andrew Gillette, Chandrajit L. Bajaj: Efficient Delaunay Mesh Generation from Sampled Scalar Functions. IMR 2007: 495-512
14EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami: Delaunay triangulations approximate anchor hulls. Comput. Geom. 36(2): 131-143 (2007)
13EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, Samrat Goswami: Secondary and Tertiary Structural Fold Elucidation from 3D EM Maps of Macromolecules. ICVGIP 2006: 264-275
12EEYongjie Zhang, Yuri Bazilevs, Samrat Goswami, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Thomas Hughes: Patient-Specific Vascular NURBS Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis of Blood Flow. IMR 2006: 73-92
11EESamrat Goswami, Tamal K. Dey, Chandrajit L. Bajaj: Identifying flat and tubular regions of a shape by unstable manifolds. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2006: 27-37
10EETamal K. Dey, Samrat Goswami: Provable surface reconstruction from noisy samples. Comput. Geom. 35(1-2): 124-141 (2006)
9EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami: Delaunay triangulations approximate anchor hulls. SODA 2005: 1028-1037
8EETamal K. Dey, Samrat Goswami: Provable surface reconstruction from noisy samples. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 330-339
7EETamal K. Dey, Samrat Goswami: Tight cocone: a water-tight surface reconstructor. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2003: 127-134
6EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami: Shape Segmentation and Matching with Flow Discretization. WADS 2003: 25-36
5EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami, Wulue Zhao: Shape Dimension and Approximation from Samples. Discrete & Computational Geometry 29(3): 419-434 (2003)
4EETamal K. Dey, Samrat Goswami: Tight Cocone: A Water-tight Surface Reconstructor. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 3(4): 302-307 (2003)
3EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami, Wulue Zhao: Shape dimension and approximation from samples. SODA 2002: 772-780
2EESamrat Goswami, Anupam Chanda, D. Roy Choudhury: Generation of an Ordered Sequence of Test Vectors for Single State Transition Faults in Large Sequential Machines. Asian Test Symposium 2001: 279-284
1EETamal K. Dey, Joachim Giesen, Samrat Goswami, James Hudson, Rephael Wenger, Wulue Zhao: Undersampling and Oversampling in Sample Based Shape Modeling. IEEE Visualization 2001

Coauthor Index

1Chandrajit L. Bajaj [11] [12] [13] [15] [16]
2Yuri Bazilevs [12]
3Anupam Chanda [2]
4D. Roy Choudhury [2]
5Tamal K. Dey [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14]
6Joachim Giesen [1] [3] [5] [6] [9] [14]
7Andrew Gillette [15]
8James Hudson [1]
9Thomas Hughes [12]
10Rephael Wenger [1]
11Yongjie Zhang [12]
12Wulue Zhao [1] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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