
Elisa Gorla

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5EEFelice Manganiello, Elisa Gorla, Joachim Rosenthal: Spread Codes and Spread Decoding in Network Coding CoRR abs/0805.0507: (2008)
4EEJamshid Shokrollahi, Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann: Efficient FPGA-based multipliers for F_3^97 and F_3^(6*97). FPL 2007: 339-344
3EEElisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann, Jamshid Shokrollahi: Explicit Formulas for Efficient Multiplication in \mathbbF36m. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2007: 173-183
2EEElisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann, Jamshid Shokrollahi: Explicit formulas for efficient multiplication in F_{3^{6m}} CoRR abs/0708.3014: (2007)
1EEJamshid Shokrollahi, Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann: Efficient FPGA-based multipliers for F_{3^97} and F_{3^{6*97}} CoRR abs/0708.3022: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Felice Manganiello [5]
2Christoph Puttmann [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Joachim Rosenthal [5]
4Jamshid Shokrollahi [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)