
Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib

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23EEMohd Khanapi Abd Ghani, Rajeev K. Bali, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Ian M. Marshall, Nilmini Wickramasinghe: Electronic health records approaches and challenges: a comparison between Malaysia and four East Asian countries. IJEH 4(1): 78-104 (2008)
22EEQ. T. Nguyen, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani, Rajeev K. Bali, Ian M. Marshall, N. H. Phuong, A. B. Culaba, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, M. H. Shaker, R. V. Lee: An analysis of the healthcare informatics and systems in Southeast Asia: a current perspective from seven countries. IJEH 4(2): 184-207 (2008)
21EEMeletis A. Belsis, Ashish N. Dwivedi, Stefanos Gritzalis, Rajeev K. Bali, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: Providing secure mAccess to medical information. IJEH 3(1): 51-71 (2007)
20EEAshish N. Dwivedi, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Rajeev K. Bali, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Steve Goldberg: Critical success factors for achieving superior m-health success. IJEH 3(2): 261-278 (2007)
19EEAshish N. Dwivedi, Rajeev K. Bali, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: How workflow management systems enable the achievement of value driven healthcare delivery. IJEH 3(3): 382-393 (2007)
18EEM. Kokuer, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, P. Janclovic, H. B. Younghusband, R. C. Green: Cancer Risk Analysis in Families With Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 10(3): 581-587 (2006)
17EEAndreas Oikonomou, Saad Amin, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Alison Todman, Hassanein Al-Omishy: Interactive Reality System (IRiS): Interactive 3D Video Playback in Multimedia Applications. JACIII 10(2): 145-149 (2006)
16EED. Taylor, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, S. Boulton: A dynamic clinical dental relational database. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8(3): 298-305 (2004)
15EEA. A. Amin, J. Filippas, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Mark K. Bennett: A Parallel System for Performing Colonic Tissue Classification by Means of a Genetic Algorithm. PVM/MPI 2003: 560-564
14 Huseyin Seker, Michael O. Odetayo, Dobrila Petrovic, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: A fuzzy logic based-method for prognostic decision making in breast and prostate cancers. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 7(2): 114-122 (2003)
13 Wei Ji, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, M. Ghoneim: Neural network-based assessment of prognostic markers and outcome prediction in bilharziasis-associated bladder cancer. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 7(3): 218-224 (2003)
12 Wei Ji, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Dobrila Petrovic, Elena I. Gaura, M. Ghoneim: Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier for the Prognostic analysis of Bladder Cancer. FSKD 2002: 486-489
11 A. Nasser Esgiar, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Bayan S. Sharif, Mark K. Bennett, A. Murray: Fractal analysis in the detection of colonic cancer images. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 6(1): 54-58 (2002)
10EEHuseyin Seker, Michael O. Odetayo, Dobrila Petrovic, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Freddie C. Hamdy: Statistical and soft feature evaluation indices for prostate cancer prognostic factor assessment. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 26-29
9 A. James, Y. Wilcox, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: A telematic system for oncology based on electronic health and patient records. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5(1): 16-17 (2001)
8 Elena I. Gaura, Richard J. Rider, Nigel Steele, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: Neural-network compensation methods for capacitive micromachined accelerometers for use in telecare medicine. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5(3): 248-252 (2001)
7 Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Harsa Amylia Mat Sakim, M. S. Lakshmi, V. Wadehra, T. W. J. Lennard, J. Bhatavdekar, G. V. Sherbet: DNA ploidy and cell cycle distribution of breast cancer aspirate cells measured by image cytometry and analyzed by artificial neural networks for their prognostic significance. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 3(1): 61-69 (1999)
6 A. Nasser Esgiar, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Bayan S. Sharif, Mark K. Bennett, A. Murray: Microscopic image analysis for quantitative measurement and feature identification of normal and cancerous colonic mucosa. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2(3): 197-203 (1998)
5EERaouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Freddie C. Hamdy: A general regression neural network analysis of prognostic markers in prostate cancer. Neurocomputing 19(1-3): 145-150 (1998)
4EEYougeshwar Bissessur, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib: Buried Plant Detection: A Volterra Series Modelling Approach Using Artificial Neural Networks. Neural Networks 9(6): 1045-1060 (1996)
3 Jamel M. Tahir, Satnam Singh Dlay, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Oliver R. Hinton: Concurrent Error Detection in Fast FNT Networks. EDCC 1994: 439-452
2EERaouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, Satnam Singh Dlay: Properties of the Euler Totient Function Modulo 24 and Some of its Cryptographic Implications. EUROCRYPT 1988: 267-274
1 Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib, R. A. King: Comments on "Matrix Processors Using p-Adic Arithmetic for Exact Linear Computations". IEEE Trans. Computers 35(10): 928-931 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Hassanein Al-Omishy [17]
2A. A. Amin [15]
3Saad Amin [17]
4Rajeev K. Bali [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
5Meletis A. Belsis [21]
6Mark K. Bennett [6] [11] [15]
7J. Bhatavdekar [7]
8Yougeshwar Bissessur [4]
9S. Boulton [16]
10A. B. Culaba [22]
11Satnam Singh Dlay [2] [3]
12Ashish N. Dwivedi [19] [20] [21]
13A. Nasser Esgiar [6] [11]
14J. Filippas [15]
15Elena I. Gaura [8] [12]
16Mohd Khanapi Abd Ghani [22] [23]
17M. Ghoneim [12] [13]
18Steve Goldberg [20]
19R. C. Green [18]
20Stefanos Gritzalis [21]
21Freddie C. Hamdy [5] [10]
22Oliver R. Hinton [3]
23A. James [9]
24P. Janclovic [18]
25Wei Ji [12] [13]
26R. A. King [1]
27M. Kokuer [18]
28M. S. Lakshmi [7]
29R. V. Lee [22]
30T. W. J. Lennard [7]
31Ian M. Marshall [22] [23]
32A. Murray [6] [11]
33Q. T. Nguyen [22]
34Michael O. Odetayo [10] [14]
35Andreas Oikonomou [17]
36Dobrila Petrovic [10] [12] [14]
37N. H. Phuong [22]
38Richard J. Rider [8]
39Harsa Amylia Mat Sakim [7]
40Huseyin Seker [10] [14]
41M. H. Shaker [22]
42Bayan S. Sharif [6] [11]
43G. V. Sherbet [7]
44Nigel Steele [8]
45Jamel M. Tahir [3]
46D. Taylor [16]
47Alison Todman [17]
48V. Wadehra [7]
49Nilmini Wickramasinghe [19] [20] [22] [23]
50Y. Wilcox [9]
51H. B. Younghusband [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)