2008 |
29 | EE | Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro,
Chaya Koren,
Cesare Rocchi,
Zvi Eisikovits,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Daniel Tomasini,
Patrice L. (Tamar) Weiss:
A co-located interface for narration to support reconciliation in a conflict: initial results from Jewish and Palestinian youth.
CHI 2008: 1583-1592 |
28 | EE | Susana B. Martins,
Yuval Shahar,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Maya Galperin,
Herbert Kaizer,
Lawrence V. Basso,
Deborah McNaughton,
Mary K. Goldstein:
Evaluation of an architecture for intelligent query and exploration of time-oriented clinical data.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 43(1): 17-34 (2008) |
27 | EE | Arnon Sturm,
Meirav Taieb-Maimon,
Dina Goren-Bar:
A Quantitative-Based Comparison of MaSE and OPM/MAS Design Results.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 18(7): 933-963 (2008) |
2007 |
26 | EE | Tsvi Kuflik,
Julia Sheidin,
Sadek Jbara,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Pnina Soffer,
Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro:
Supporting small groups in the museum by context-aware communication services.
IUI 2007: 305-308 |
25 | EE | Massimo Zancanaro,
Tsvi Kuflik,
Zvi Boger,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Dan Goldwasser:
Analyzing Museum Visitors' Behavior Patterns.
User Modeling 2007: 238-246 |
2006 |
24 | EE | Yuval Shahar,
Dina Goren-Bar,
David Boaz,
Gil Tahan:
Distributed, intelligent, interactive visualization and exploration of time-oriented clinical data and their abstractions.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 38(2): 115-135 (2006) |
23 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Oscar Mayora-Ibarra:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Intelligent Systems for Interactive Entertainment.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(5): 10-12 (2006) |
22 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Ilenia Graziola,
Fabio Pianesi,
Massimo Zancanaro:
The influence of personality factors on visitor attitudes towards adaptivity dimensions for mobile museum guides.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 16(1): 31-62 (2006) |
2005 |
21 | EE | Alberto Battocchi,
Fabio Pianesi,
Dina Goren-Bar:
The Properties of DaFEx, a Database of Kinetic Facial Expressions.
ACII 2005: 558-565 |
20 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Ilenia Graziola,
Cesare Rocchi,
Fabio Pianesi,
Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro:
Designing and Redesigning an Affective Interface for an Adaptive Museum Guide.
ACII 2005: 939-946 |
19 | | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tal Goori:
A Framework for Designing Collaborative Tasks in a Web-Environment.
Computer Supported Activity Coordination 2005: 118-127 |
18 | | Dina Goren-Bar:
Student's Evaluation of Web-Based Learning Technologies in a Humancomputer Interaction Course.
ICEIS 2005: 206-212 |
17 | EE | Alberto Battocchi,
Fabio Pianesi,
Dina Goren-Bar:
A first evaluation study of a database of kinetic facial expressions (DaFEx).
ICMI 2005: 214-221 |
16 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Michela Prete:
Report on a Museum Tour Report.
INTETAIN 2005: 230-234 |
15 | EE | Alberto Battocchi,
Fabio Pianesi,
Dina Goren-Bar:
DaFEx: Database of Facial Expressions.
INTETAIN 2005: 303-306 |
14 | EE | E. Gal,
Dina Goren-Bar,
E. Gazit,
N. Bauminger,
Alessandro Cappelletti,
Fabio Pianesi,
Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro,
P. L. Weiss:
Enhancing Social Communication Through Story-Telling Among High-Functioning Children with Autism.
INTETAIN 2005: 320-323 |
13 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
I. Levi,
Conor Hayes,
Paolo Avesani:
Tagsocratic: Learning Shared Concepts on the Blogosphere.
INTETAIN 2005: 324-327 |
12 | EE | Ilenia Graziola,
Cesare Rocchi,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Fabio Pianesi,
Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro:
Delegation Based Multimedia Mobile Guide.
INTETAIN 2005: 328-331 |
11 | EE | Ilenia Graziola,
Fabio Pianesi,
Massimo Zancanaro,
Dina Goren-Bar:
Dimensions of adaptivity in mobile systems: personality and people's attitudes.
IUI 2005: 223-230 |
10 | EE | Tsvi Kuflik,
Charles B. Callaway,
Dina Goren-Bar,
Cesare Rocchi,
Oliviero Stock,
Massimo Zancanaro:
Non-intrusive User Modeling for a Multimedia Museum Visitors Guide System.
User Modeling 2005: 236-240 |
9 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tsvi Kuflik:
Supporting user-subjective categorization with self-organizing maps and learning vector quantization.
JASIST 56(4): 345-355 (2005) |
2004 |
8 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Yuval Shahar,
Maya Galperin-Aizenberg,
David Boaz,
Gil Tahan:
KNAVE II: the definition and implementation of an intelligent tool for visualization and exploration of time-oriented clinical data.
AVI 2004: 171-174 |
7 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tsvi Kuflik:
Don't miss-r --: recommending restaurants through an adaptive mobile system.
IUI 2004: 250-252 |
6 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar:
Overcoming mobile device limitations through adaptive information retrieval.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(6): 513-532 (2004) |
5 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Oded Glinansky:
FIT-recommend ing TV programs to family members.
Computers & Graphics 28(2): 149-156 (2004) |
2001 |
4 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tsvi Kuflik,
Tali Lavie:
What do users prefer?: a personalized intelligent user interface for searching information - an empirical study.
IUI 2001: 65-68 |
3 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tsvi Kuflik,
Dror Lev,
Peretz Shoval:
Automating Personal Categorization Using Artificial Neural Networks.
User Modeling 2001: 188-200 |
2 | | Dina Goren-Bar:
Designing Model-Based Intelligent Dialogue Systems.
Information Modeling in the New Millennium 2001: 268-284 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Dina Goren-Bar,
Tsvi Kuflik,
Dror Lev:
Supervised Learning for Automatic Classification of Documents using Self-Organizing Maps.
DELOS Workshop: Information Seeking, Searching and Querying in Digital Libraries 2000 |