
Sarah Gordon

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8EERichard Ford, Sarah Gordon: Cent, five cent, ten cent, dollar: hitting botnets where it really hurts. NSPW 2006: 3-10
7EESarah Gordon, Richard Ford: On the definition and classification of cybercrime. Journal in Computer Virology 2(1): 13-20 (2006)
6EESarah Gordon: Fighting Spyware and Adware in the Enterprise. Information Systems Security 14(3): 14-17 (2005)
5 Sarah Gordon, Richard Ford: Cyberterrorism? Computers & Security 21(7): 636-647 (2002)
4EESarah Gordon: Telephone tales. Computers & Security 18(2): 120-123 (1999)
3EESarah Gordon: Breaking the chain. Computers & Security 17(7): 586-588 (1998)
2EESarah Gordon: Technologically enabled crime: Shifting paradigms for the Year 2000. Computers & Security 14(5): 391-402 (1995)
1EESarah Gordon: Internet 101. Computers & Security 14(7): 599-604 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Richard Ford [5] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)