
Richard Ford

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22 Tauhida Parveen, William Allen, Scott R. Tilley, Gerald Marin, Richard Ford: Towards the Detection of Emulated Environments via Analysis of the Stochastic Nature of System Calls. SEKE 2008: 802-807
21EEMichael Workman, Richard Ford, William Allen: A Structuration Agency Approach to Security Policy Enforcement in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 17(5&6): 267-277 (2008)
20EEGeoffrey Mazeroff, Jens Gregor, Michael G. Thomason, Richard Ford: Probabilistic suffix models for API sequence analysis of Windows XP applications. Pattern Recognition 41(1): 90-101 (2008)
19EEAttila Ondi, Richard Ford: Modeling malcode with Hephaestus: beyond simple spread. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 379-384
18EEAttila Ondi, Ronaldo Menezes, Richard Ford: Network Distribution of Security Policies via Ant-like Foraging Behavior. ICIW 2007: 64
17EERichard Ford: Open vs. closed: which source is more secure? ACM Queue 5(1): 32-38 (2007)
16EEAttila Ondi, Richard Ford: How good is good enough? Metrics for worm/anti-worm evaluation. Journal in Computer Virology 3(2): 93-101 (2007)
15EERichard Ford, Sarah Gordon: Cent, five cent, ten cent, dollar: hitting botnets where it really hurts. NSPW 2006: 3-10
14EERichard Ford, Mark Bush, Alexander Bulatov: Predation and the cost of replication: New approaches to malware prevention? Computers & Security 25(4): 257-264 (2006)
13EEJames A. Whittaker, Richard Ford: How to Think about Security. IEEE Security & Privacy 4(2): 68-71 (2006)
12EESarah Gordon, Richard Ford: On the definition and classification of cybercrime. Journal in Computer Virology 2(1): 13-20 (2006)
11EESimon N. Foley, Abe Singer, Michael E. Locasto, Stelios Sidiroglou, Angelos D. Keromytis, John McDermott, Julie Thorpe, Paul C. van Oorschot, Anil Somayaji, Richard Ford, Mark Bush, Alex Boulatov: Highlights from the 2005 New Security Paradigms Workshop. ACSAC 2005: 393-396
10EERichard Ford: Malcode Mysteries Revealed. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(3): 72-75 (2005)
9EEIbrahim K. El-Far, Richard Ford, Attila Ondi, Manan Pancholi: Suppressing the Spread of Email Malcode using Short-term Message Recall. Journal in Computer Virology 1(1-2): 4-12 (2005)
8EEHerbert H. Thompson, Richard Ford: Perfect Storm: The Insider, Naivety, and Hostility. ACM Queue 2(4): 58-65 (2004)
7EERichard Ford: The Wrong Stuff? IEEE Security & Privacy 2(3): 86-89 (2004)
6 Sarah Gordon, Richard Ford: Cyberterrorism? Computers & Security 21(7): 636-647 (2002)
5EERichard Ford: Malware: Troy revisited. Computers & Security 18(2): 105-108 (1999)
4EERichard Ford: No suprises in Melissa Land. Computers & Security 18(4): 300-302 (1999)
3EERichard Ford: What a littledefinution can do. Computers & Security 17(2): 110-114 (1998)
2EERichard Ford: May you live in interesting times. Computers & Security 17(7): 575-578 (1998)
1EERichard Ford: Evolution of a teleprocessing network. Computer Communications 1(3): 145-148 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1William Allen [21] [22]
2Alex Boulatov [11]
3Alexander Bulatov [14]
4Mark Bush [11] [14]
5Ibrahim K. El-Far [9]
6Simon N. Foley [11]
7Sarah Gordon [6] [12] [15]
8Jens Gregor [20]
9Angelos D. Keromytis [11]
10Michael E. Locasto [11]
11Gerald Marin [22]
12Geoffrey Mazeroff [20]
13John McDermott [11]
14Ronaldo Menezes [18]
15Attila Ondi [9] [16] [18] [19]
16Paul C. van Oorschot [11]
17Manan Pancholi [9]
18Tauhida Parveen [22]
19Stelios Sidiroglou [11]
20Abe Singer [11]
21Anil Somayaji [11]
22Michael G. Thomason [20]
23Herbert H. Thompson [8]
24Julie Thorpe [11]
25Scott R. Tilley [22]
26James A. Whittaker [13]
27Michael Workman [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)