
Bernard Goossens

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11EEBernard Goossens, David Defour: Ordonnancement distribué d'instructions. Technique et Science Informatiques 25(7): 827-844 (2006)
10EEBernard Goossens, David Defour: The instruction register file micro-architecture. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 767-773 (2005)
9EEBernard Goossens: The Instruction Register File. PaCT 2003: 467-481
8EEBernard Goossens: Typing the ISA to cluster the processor. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(6): 789-796 (2002)
7EEBernard Goossens: Typing the ISA to Cluster the Processor. PaCT 2001: 232-242
6EEBernard Goossens: Handling 16 instructions per cycle in a superscalar processor. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(6): 699-709 (2001)
5EEBernard Goossens, Hassane Essafi, Marc Pic: Hardware and Software Optimizations for Multimedia Databases. PaCT 1999: 365-370
4 Bernard Goossens: A Multithreaded Vector Co-processor. PaCT 1997: 311-321
3 Bernard Goossens, Duc Thang Vu: On-Chip Multiprocessing. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 789-796
2EEBernard Goossens, Duc Thang Vu: Multithreading to Improve Cycle Width and CPI in Superpipelined Superscalar Processors. ISPAN 1996: 36-42
1 Bernard Goossens, Duc Thang Vu: Further Pipelining and Multithreading to Improve RISC Processor Speed. A Proposed Architecture and Simulation Results. PaCT 1995: 326-340

Coauthor Index

1David Defour [10] [11]
2Hassane Essafi [5]
3Marc Pic [5]
4Duc Thang Vu [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)