
Jose J. Gonzalez

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12EEJaziar Radianti, Eliot Rich, Jose J. Gonzalez: Vulnerability Black Markets: Empirical Evidence and Scenario Simulation. HICSS 2009: 1-10
11EEAgata Sawicka, Birgit Kopainsky, Jose J. Gonzalez: Learning about Dynamic Problems with Computer Simulators: A Case of System Dynamics Simulation Models. ICALT 2008: 569-571
10EEStefanie A. Hillen, Finn Olav Sveen, Jose J. Gonzalez: Using Dynamic Stories to Communicate Security andSafety Issues. ICALT 2008: 965-966
9EEEliot Rich, Finn Olav Sveen, Ying Qian, Stefanie A. Hillen, Jaziar Radianti, Jose J. Gonzalez: Emergent Vulnerability in Integrated Operations: A Proactive Simulation Study of Risk and Organizational Learning. HICSS 2007: 145
8EEJaziar Radianti, Jose J. Gonzalez: Understanding Hidden Information Security Threats: The Vulnerability Black Market. HICSS 2007: 156
7EEJose J. Gonzalez, Jose Maria Sarriegi, Alazne Gurrutxaga: A Framework for Conceptualizing Social Engineering Attacks. CRITIS 2006: 79-90
6EEEliot Rich, Jose J. Gonzalez: Maintaining Security and Safety in High-Threat E-Operations Transitions. HICSS 2006
5EEEliot Rich, Jose J. Gonzalez: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
4 Johannes Wiik, Jose J. Gonzalez, Klaus-Peter Kossakowski: Effectiveness of Proactive CSIRT Services. IMF 2006: 67-81
3EEFelicjan Rydzak, Lars S. Breistrand, Finn Olav Sveen, Ying Qian, Jose J. Gonzalez: Exploring Resilience Towards Risks in eOperations in the Oil and Gas Industry. SAFECOMP 2006: 57-70
2EEJose J. Gonzalez: Towards a Cyber Security Reporting System - A Quality Improvement Process. SAFECOMP 2005: 368-380
1EEJose J. Gonzalez, Agata Sawicka: Modeling Instrumental Conditioning - The Behavioral Regulation Approach. HICSS 2003: 92

Coauthor Index

1Lars S. Breistrand [3]
2Alazne Gurrutxaga [7]
3Stefanie A. Hillen [9] [10]
4Birgit Kopainsky [11]
5Klaus-Peter Kossakowski [4]
6Ying Qian [3] [9]
7Jaziar Radianti [8] [9] [12]
8Eliot Rich [5] [6] [9] [12]
9Felicjan Rydzak [3]
10Jose Maria Sarriegi [7]
11Agata Sawicka [1] [11]
12Finn Olav Sveen [3] [9] [10]
13Johannes Wiik [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)