
Jonas Gomes

Jonas de Miranda Gomes

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24EERomildo Silva, Jonas Gomes, Cicero Mota: Geometric Processing of Volumetric Objects. WSCG 2001: 307-314
23EERuben Zonenschein, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez: Towards Interactivity on Texturing Implicit Surfaces: A Distributed Approach. WSCG 2001: 360-366
22EEJonas Gomes, Luiz Velho, Fernando Wagner da Silva, Siome Goldenstein: Motion Processing using Variable Harmonic Components. CA 2000: 62-70
21EELuiz Velho, Jonas Gomes: Variable Resolution 4-k Meshes. SIBGRAPI 2000: 123-130
20EEAntonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho: An Overview on Virtual Sets. Virtual Worlds 2000: 91-98
19 Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes: Variable Resolution 4-k Meshes: Concepts and Applications. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(4): 195-212 (2000)
18 Gilberto Câmara, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, João Argemiro Carvalho Paiva, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho: Towards a unified framework for spatial data models. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 7(1): 17-25 (2000)
17EESiome Goldenstein, Jonas Gomes: Time Warping of Audio Signals. Computer Graphics International 1999: 52-57
16EESergio Pinheiro, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho: Interactive Specification of 3D Displacement Vectors using Arcball. Computer Graphics International 1999: 70-
15EELuiz Velho, Jonas Gomes: Quasi 4-8 Subdivision Surfaces. SIBGRAPI 1999: 17-26
14EECicero Mota, Jonas Gomes: Curvature Operators in Geometric Image Processing. SIBGRAPI 1999: 223-230
13EEFernando Wagner da Silva, Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes, Siome Goldenstein: Motion Cyclification by Time x Frequency Warpin. SIBGRAPI 1999: 49-
12EELuiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Jonas Gomes: A unified approach for hierarchical adaptive tesselation of surfaces. ACM Trans. Graph. 18(4): 329-360 (1999)
11EELuiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Jonas Gomes: Hierarchical generalized triangle strips. The Visual Computer 15(1): 21-35 (1999)
10EELuiz Velho, Jonas Gomes, Marcos Vinicius Rayol Sobreiro: Visualization of Color Image Quantization Using Pairwise Clustering. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 407-408
9EEAndré Matos, Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes, André Parente, Heloisa Siffert: The Visorama System: A Functional Overview of a New Virtual Reality Environment. Computer Graphics International 1997: 205-212
8 Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Jonas Gomes: A Methodology for Piecewise Linear Approximation of Surfaces. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 3(3): (1997)
7EELuiz Velho, Jonas Gomes: Approximate Conversion of Parametric to Implicit Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(5): 327-337 (1996)
6EELuiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Jonas Gomes: Sampling implicit objects with physically-based particle systems. Computers & Graphics 20(3): 365-375 (1996)
5EEJonas Gomes, Bruno Costa Silva, Lucia Darsa, Luiz Velho: Graphical objects. The Visual Computer 12(6): 269-282 (1996)
4EELuiz Velho, Jonas Gomes: Stochastic screening dithering with adaptive clustering. SIGGRAPH 1995: 273-276
3 Luiz Velho, Demetri Terzopoulos, Jonas Gomes: Constructing Implicit Shape Models from Boundary Data. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 57(3): 220-234 (1995)
2EEJonas Gomes, Luiz Velho: Abstraction paradigms for computer graphics. The Visual Computer 11(5): 227-239 (1995)
1EELuiz Velho, Jonas de Miranda Gomes: Digital halftoning with space filling curves. SIGGRAPH 1991: 81-90

Coauthor Index

1Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque [20]
2Gilberto Câmara [18]
3Lucia Darsa [5]
4Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo [6] [8] [11] [12]
5Siome Goldenstein (Siome Klein Goldenstein) [13] [17] [22]
6André Matos [9]
7Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro [18]
8Cicero Mota [14] [24]
9João Argemiro Carvalho Paiva [18]
10André Parente [9]
11Sergio Pinheiro [16]
12Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez [23]
13Heloisa Siffert [9]
14Bruno Costa Silva [5]
15Fernando Wagner da Silva [13] [22]
16Romildo Silva [24]
17Marcos Vinicius Rayol Sobreiro [10]
18Demetri Terzopoulos [3]
19Luiz Velho [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
20Ruben Zonenschein [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)