
Mehmet Gokturk

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4EESerif Adali, A. Coskun Sonmez, Mehmet Gokturk: An Integrated Architecture for Processing Business Documents in Turkish. CICLing 2009: 394-405
3EESami Altundag, Mehmet Gokturk: A practical approach to scatternet formation and routing on Bluetooth. ISCN 2006: 23-29
2EEJohn L. Sibert, Mehmet Gokturk, Robert A. Lavine: The reading assistant: eye gaze triggered auditory prompting for reading remediation. UIST 2000: 101-107
1EEJohn L. Sibert, Mehmet Gokturk: A Finger-Mounted, Direct Pointing Device for Mobile Computing. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1997: 41-42

Coauthor Index

1Serif Adali [4]
2Sami Altundag [3]
3Robert A. Lavine [2]
4John L. Sibert [1] [2]
5A. Coskun Sonmez [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)