
Jean-Louis Goffin

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12EESamir Elhedhli, Jean-Louis Goffin, Jean-Philippe Vial: Nondifferentiable Optimization. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2584-2590
11EESamir Elhedhli, Jean-Louis Goffin, Jean-Philippe Vial: Nondifferentiable Optimization: Cutting Plane Methods. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2590-2595
10EEMohammad R. Oskoorouchi, Jean-Louis Goffin: A matrix generation approach for eigenvalue optimization. Math. Program. 109(1): 155-179 (2007)
9EEMichel Denault, Jean-Louis Goffin: The Analytic-Center Cutting-Plane Method for Variational Inequalities: A Quadratic-Cut Approach. INFORMS Journal on Computing 17(2): 192-206 (2005)
8EEFatma Gzara, Jean-Louis Goffin: Exact solution of the centralized network design problem on directed graphs. Networks 45(4): 181-192 (2005)
7EEMichel Denault, Jean-Louis Goffin: Solving variational inequalities with a quadratic cut method: a primal-dual, Jacobian-free approach. Computers & OR 31(5): 721-743 (2004)
6EESamir Elhedhli, Jean-Louis Goffin: The integration of an interior-point cutting plane method within a branch-and-price algorithm. Math. Program. 100(2): 267-294 (2004)
5 Jean-Louis Goffin, Jacek Gondzio, Robert Sarkissian, Jean-Philippe Vial: Solving nonlinear multicommodity flow problems by the analytic center cutting plane method. Math. Program. 76: 131-154 (1996)
4 O. Bahn, O. Du Merle, Jean-Louis Goffin, Jean-Philippe Vial: A cutting plane method from analytic centers for stochastic programming. Math. Program. 69: 45-73 (1995)
3 O. Bahn, Jean-Louis Goffin, Jean-Philippe Vial, O. Du Merle: Experimental Behavior of an Interior Point Cutting Plane Algorithm for Convex Programming: An Application to Geometric Programming. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 3-23 (1994)
2 Jean-Louis Goffin, Jean-Philippe Vial: On the computation of weighted analytic centers and dual ellipsoids with the projective algorithm. Math. Program. 60: 81-92 (1993)
1 Jean-Louis Goffin, Alain Haurie: Necessary Conditions and Sufficient Conditions for Pareto Optimality in a Multicriterion Perturbed System. Optimization Techniques 1973: 184-193

Coauthor Index

1O. Bahn [3] [4]
2Michel Denault [7] [9]
3Samir Elhedhli [6] [11] [12]
4Jacek Gondzio [5]
5Fatma Gzara [8]
6Alain Haurie [1]
7O. Du Merle [3] [4]
8Mohammad R. Oskoorouchi [10]
9Robert Sarkissian [5]
10Jean-Philippe Vial [2] [3] [4] [5] [11] [12]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)