
Ben Goertzel

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20 Pei Wang, Ben Goertzel, Stan Franklin: Artificial General Intelligence 2008, Proceedings of the First AGI Conference, AGI 2008, March 1-3, 2008, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA IOS Press 2008
19 Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin: How Might Probabilistic Reasoning Emerge from the Brain? AGI 2008: 149-160
18 Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Nil Geisweiller, Moshe Looks, Andre Senna, Welter Silva, Ari Heljakka, Carlos Lopes: An Integrative Methodology for Teaching Embodied Non-Linguistic Agents, Applied to Virtual Animals in Second Life. AGI 2008: 161-175
17 Matthew Iklé, Ben Goertzel: Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence: An Indefinite Probabilities Approach. AGI 2008: 188-199
16 Ben Goertzel, Stephan Vladimir Bugaj: Stages of Ethical Development in Artificial General Intelligence Systems. AGI 2008: 448-459
15 David Hart, Ben Goertzel: OpenCog: A Software Framework for Integrative Artificial General Intelligence. AGI 2008: 468-472
14EEBen Goertzel: A pragmatic path toward endowing virtually-embodied AIs with human-level linguistic capability. IJCNN 2008: 2956-2965
13 Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Lúcio de Souza Coelho, Leonardo Shikida, Murilo Saraiva de Queiroz: Biomind ArrayGenius and GeneGenius: Web Services Offering Microarray and SNP Data Analysis via Novel Machine Learning Methods. AAAI 2007: 1700-1706
12EEMoshe Looks, Ben Goertzel, Lúcio de Souza Coelho, Mauricio Mudado, Cassio Pennachin: Clustering gene expression data via mining ensembles of classification rules evolved using moses. GECCO 2007: 407-414
11EEMoshe Looks, Ben Goertzel, Lúcio de Souza Coelho, Mauricio Mudado, Cassio Pennachin: Understanding microarray data through applying competent program evolution. GECCO 2007: 430
10EEBen Goertzel: Human-level artificial general intelligence and the possibility of a technological singularity: A reaction to Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity Is Near, and McDermott's critique of Kurzweil. Artif. Intell. 171(18): 1161-1173 (2007)
9EEBen Goertzel, James Venuto: Accurate SVM Text Classification for Highly Skewed Data Using Threshold Tuning and Query-Expansion-Based Feature Selection. IJCNN 2006: 1220-1225
8EEDeborah Duong, James Venuto, Ben Goertzel, Ryan Richardson, Shawn Bohner, Edward A. Fox: Support Vector Machines to Weight Voters in a Voting System of Entity Extractors. IJCNN 2006: 1226-1230
7EEBen Goertzel: Patterns, Hypergraphs and Embodied General Intelligence. IJCNN 2006: 451-458
6EEMurilo Saraiva de Queiroz, Francisco Prosdocimi, Izabela Freire Goertzel, Francisco Pereira Lobo, Cassio Pennachin, Ben Goertzel: Inferring Gene Ontology Category Membership via Gene Expression and Sequence Similarity Data Analysis. KR-MED 2006
5EEMoshe Looks, Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin: Learning computer programs with the bayesian optimization algorithm. GECCO 2005: 747-748
4EERafal Smigrodzki, Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Lúcio de Souza Coelho, Francisco Prosdocimi, W. Davis Parker Jr.: Genetic algorithm for analysis of mutations in Parkinson's disease. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 35(3): 227-241 (2005)
3EEBen Goertzel: Rapid generation of strange attractors with the eugenic genetic algorithm. Computers & Graphics 19(1): 151-156 (1995)
2 Ben Goertzel: Artificial Selfhood: The Path to True Artificial Intelligence. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(4): (1995)
1 Ben Goertzel: Lagrange Interpolation on a Processor Tree with Ring Connections. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 22(2): 321-323 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Shawn Bohner [8]
2Stephan Vladimir Bugaj [16]
3Lúcio de Souza Coelho [4] [11] [12] [13]
4Deborah Duong [8]
5Edward A. Fox [8]
6Stan Franklin [20]
7Nil Geisweiller [18]
8Izabela Freire Goertzel [6]
9David Hart [15]
10Ari Heljakka [18]
11Matthew Iklé [17]
12Francisco Pereira Lobo [6]
13Moshe Looks [5] [11] [12] [18]
14Carlos Lopes [18]
15Mauricio Mudado [11] [12]
16W. Davis Parker Jr. [4]
17Cassio Pennachin [4] [5] [6] [11] [12] [13] [18] [19]
18Francisco Prosdocimi [4] [6]
19Murilo Saraiva de Queiroz [6] [13]
20Ryan Richardson [8]
21Andre Senna [18]
22Leonardo Shikida [13]
23Welter Silva [18]
24Rafal Smigrodzki [4]
25James Venuto [8] [9]
26Pei Wang [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)