
Christophe Godin

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6EEJamie Wither, Frédéric Boudon, Marie-Paule Cani, Christophe Godin: Structure from silhouettes: a new paradigm for fast sketch-based design of trees. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(2): 541-550 (2009)
5EED. Da Silva, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, O. Puech, C. Smith, H. Sinoquet: A Critical Appraisal of the Box Counting Method to Assess the Fractal Dimension of Tree Crowns. ISVC (1) 2006: 751-760
4EEPascal Ferraro, Christophe Godin: An Edit Distance between Quotiented Trees. Algorithmica 36(1): 1-39 (2003)
3EEFrédéric Boudon, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Pavol Federl, Christophe Godin, Radoslaw Karwowski: Interactive Design of Bonsai Tree Models. Comput. Graph. Forum 22(3): 591-600 (2003)
2EEPascal Ferraro, Christophe Godin: Optimal mappings with minimum number of connected components in tree-to-tree comparison problems. J. Algorithms 48(2): 385-406 (2003)
1 Pascal Ferraro, Christophe Godin, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz: L-systems and MTGs: Integrating Simulation and Formal Analysis of Architectural Plant Models. ESM 2002: 418-422

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Boudon [3] [5] [6]
2Marie-Paule Cani [6]
3Pavol Federl [3]
4Pascal Ferraro [1] [2] [4]
5Radoslaw Karwowski [3]
6Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz [1] [3]
7O. Puech [5]
8D. Da Silva [5]
9H. Sinoquet [5]
10C. Smith [5]
11Jamie Wither [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)