2006 |
18 | EE | Peter A. Gloor,
Yan Zhao:
Analyzing Actors and Their Discussion Topics by Semantic Social Network Analysis.
IV 2006: 130-135 |
2005 |
17 | EE | Peter A. Gloor:
Capturing Team Dynamics through Temporal Social Surfaces.
IV 2005: 939-944 |
2003 |
16 | EE | Peter A. Gloor,
Rob Laubacher,
Scott B. C. Dynes,
Yan Zhao:
Visualization of Communication Patterns in Collaborative Innovation Networks - Analysis of Some W3C Working Groups.
CIKM 2003: 56-60 |
1999 |
15 | | Peter A. Gloor,
Fillia Makedon,
James Ford,
Tilmann Steinberg,
Charles B. Owen,
Basil Sudborough:
Multimedia Interfaces for E-Commerce.
WebNet 1999: 445-450 |
1998 |
14 | EE | Samuel A. Rebelsky,
Fillia Makedon,
Panagiotis Takis Metaxas,
James Ford,
Charles B. Owen,
Peter A. Gloor:
The Roles of Video in the Design, Use, and Construction of Interactive Electronic Conference Proceedings.
J. UCS 4(6): 604-628 (1998) |
13 | | Peter A. Gloor,
Scott B. C. Dynes:
Cybermap - Visually Navigating the Web.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 9(3): 319-336 (1998) |
12 | | Peter A. Gloor,
Fillia Makedon,
Oliver van Ligten:
Obstacles in Web Multimedia Publishing: Bringing Conference Proceedings On-Line.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 6(2): 171-180 (1998) |
1996 |
11 | | Matthew Cheyney,
Peter A. Gloor,
Donald B. Johnson,
Fillia Makedon,
James Matthews,
Panagiotis Takis Metaxas:
Toward Multimedia Conference Proceedings.
Commun. ACM 39(1): 50-59 (1996) |
1993 |
10 | EE | Angel Velez-Sosa,
Peter A. Gloor:
Animating Hashing Algorithms for Computer Science Education.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 201-208 |
9 | | James Matthews,
Peter A. Gloor,
Fillia Makedon:
VideoScheme: A Programmable Video Editing Systems for Automation and Media Recognition.
ACM Multimedia 1993: 419-426 |
1992 |
8 | | Peter A. Gloor:
AACE - Algorithm Animation for Computer Science Education.
VL 1992: 25-31 |
1991 |
7 | EE | Peter A. Gloor:
CYBERMAP: Yet Another Way of Navigating in Hyperspace.
Hypertext 1991: 107-121 |
6 | | Peter A. Gloor:
Presenting Hypermedia Concepts Using Hypermedia Techniques.
Hypertext/Hypermedia 1991: 109-118 |
1990 |
5 | | Peter A. Gloor,
Norbert A. Streitz:
Hypertext und Hypermedia: Von theoretischen Konzepten zur praktischen Anwendung
Springer 1990 |
4 | | Peter A. Gloor,
Michael R. Kibby,
Ray McAleese,
Max Mühlhäuser,
Gerald C. Nelson,
Daniel M. Russell:
How Should Hypermedia Authoring Systems for Computer Aided Instruction Look Like? (Panel).
ECHT 1990: 337-342 |
3 | | Karl-Heinz Saxer,
Peter A. Gloor:
Navigation im Hyperraum: Fisheye Views in HyperCard.
Hypertext und Hypermedia 1990: 190-204 |
1989 |
2 | | Peter A. Gloor:
Algorithmen-Animation mit Hypercard.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 1989: 460-473 |
1986 |
1 | | Ludwig Nastansky,
Peter A. Gloor:
Designmöglichkeiten von Bulletin-Board Systemen als Cooperative Processing-Konzepte: BBS aus der Sicht von Endnutzern und Systembetreibern.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 1986: 213-227 |