
Henry M. Gladney

H. M. Gladney

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22EEHenry M. Gladney: Principles for digital preservation. Commun. ACM 49(2): 111-116 (2006)
21EEHenry M. Gladney, Raymond A. Lorie: Trustworthy 100-year digital objects: durable encoding for when it's too late to ask. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 23(3): 299-324 (2005)
20EEHenry M. Gladney: Trustworthy 100-year digital objects: Evidence after every witness is dead. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22(3): 406-436 (2004)
19EEHenry M. Gladney: Principles for Digital Preservation CoRR cs.DL/0411091: (2004)
18EEHenry M. Gladney, Raymond A. Lorie: Trustworthy 100-Year Digital Objects: Durable Encoding for When It's Too Late to Ask CoRR cs.DL/0411092: (2004)
17EEHenry M. Gladney, Arthur Cantu: Authorization management for digital libraries. Commun. ACM 44(5): 63-65 (2001)
16EEHenry M. Gladney: Safe Deals Between Strangers CoRR cs.CR/9908012: (1999)
15 H. M. Gladney, Fred Mintzer, Fabio Schiattarella, Julián Bescós, Martin Treu: Digital Access to Antiques. Commun. ACM 41(4): 49-57 (1998)
14EEH. M. Gladney: Access Control for Large Collections. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 15(2): 154-194 (1997)
13EEFrederick C. Mintzer, Leonard E. Boyle, Albert N. Cazes, Brian S. Christian, Steven C. Cox, Francis P. Giordano, Henry M. Gladney, Jack C. Lee, Milton L. Kelmanson, Antonio C. Lirani, Karen A. Magerlein, Ana M. B. Pavani, Fabio Schiattarella: Toward on-line, worldwide access to Vatican Library materials. IBM Journal of Research and Development 40(2): 139-162 (1996)
12 H. M. Gladney: Inter-Machine Protocols for Electronic Libraries. ICDCS 1993: 275-282
11 H. M. Gladney: A Storage Subsystem for Image and Records Management. IBM Systems Journal 32(3): 512-540 (1993)
10EEH. M. Gladney: Data Replicas in Distributed Information Services. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 14(1): 75-97 (1989)
9EEH. M. Gladney, D. J. Lorch, R. L. Mattson: A Version Management Method for Distributed Information. ICDE 1987: 570-574
8 Johannes C. van Vliet, H. M. Gladney: An Evaluation of Tagging. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(9): 823-837 (1985)
7 H. M. Gladney: A Note on Enumerations. SIGPLAN Notices 17(12): 59-64 (1982)
6 H. M. Gladney: How to print with style. SIGPLAN Notices 17(7): 72-79 (1982)
5 H. M. Gladney: Administrative Control of Computing Service. IBM Systems Journal 17(2): 151-178 (1978)
4 H. M. Gladney, Gerd Hochweller: Multiprogramming for Real-Time Applications. ISCA 1976: 79-85
3 Donald L. Raimondi, H. M. Gladney, Gerd Hochweller, Robert W. Martin, Linda L. Spencer: LABS/7 - A Distributed Real-Time Operating System. IBM Systems Journal 15(1): 81-101 (1976)
2 H. M. Gladney, Eldon L. Worley, James J. Myers: An Access Control Mechanism for Computing Resources. IBM Systems Journal 14(3): 212-228 (1975)
1 H. M. Gladney, Dion L. Johnson, Richard L. Stone: Computer Installation Accounting. IBM Systems Journal 14(4): 314-339 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Julián Bescós [15]
2Leonard E. Boyle [13]
3Arthur Cantu [17]
4Albert N. Cazes [13]
5Brian S. Christian [13]
6Steven C. Cox [13]
7Francis P. Giordano [13]
8Gerd Hochweller [3] [4]
9Dion L. Johnson [1]
10Milton L. Kelmanson [13]
11Jack C. Lee [13]
12Antonio C. Lirani [13]
13D. J. Lorch [9]
14Raymond A. Lorie [18] [21]
15Karen A. Magerlein [13]
16Robert W. Martin [3]
17R. L. Mattson [9]
18Fred Mintzer (Frederick C. Mintzer) [13] [15]
19James J. Myers [2]
20Ana M. B. Pavani [13]
21Donald L. Raimondi [3]
22Fabio Schiattarella [13] [15]
23Linda L. Spencer [3]
24Richard L. Stone [1]
25Martin Treu [15]
26Hans van Vliet (Johannes C. van Vliet) [8]
27Eldon L. Worley [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)