
Giovanni Giambene

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18EEPaolo Chini, Giovanni Giambene, Sastri Kota: A Comparison Framework for MSSs. GLOBECOM 2008: 2885-2889
17EEPaolo Chini, Giovanni Giambene: Resource Management in Hybrid DVB-RCS and WiFi Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 2941-2945
16EEIvano Alocci, M. Berioli, Nedo Celandroni, Giovanni Giambene, Stylianos Karapantazis: Proposal of a Reliable Multicast Protocol in a HAP-Satellite Architecture. VTC Spring 2007: 1380-1384
15EEGianfranco Ciaschetti, Lorenzo Corsini, Paolo Detti, Giovanni Giambene: Packet scheduling in third-generation mobile systems with UTRA-TDD air interface. Annals OR 150(1): 93-114 (2007)
14EEPasquale Fiengo, Giovanni Giambene, Edmondo Trentin: Neural-based downlink scheduling algorithm for broadband wireless networks. Computer Communications 30(2): 207-218 (2007)
13EENedo Celandroni, Erina Ferro, Giovanni Giambene, Mario Marandola: TCP Performance in a Hybrid Satellite Network by using ACM and ARQ. GLOBECOM 2006
12EEPaolo Chini, Giovanni Giambene, Danilo Bartolini, Michele Luglio, Cesare Roseti: Cross-Layer Management of Radio Resources in an Interactive DVB-RCS-Based Satellite Network-(Invited Paper). ISCIS 2005: 124-135
11EEGiovanni Giambene, Daniele Miorandi: A Simulation Study of Scalable TCP and HighSpeed TCP in Geostationary Satellite Networks. Telecommunication Systems 30(4): 297-320 (2005)
10EEAlessandro Andreadis, Giuliano Benelli, Giovanni Giambene, Veronica Pasqualetti: High-capacity resource sharing schemes for broadband wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 4(4): 395-412 (2004)
9EERomano Fantacci, Giovanni Giambene, Gianluca Nisticò: A QoS-aware policer for a fair resource sharing in wireless ATM. Computer Communications 26(12): 1392-1404 (2003)
8EERomano Fantacci, Francesco Chiti, Tommaso Pecorella, Giovanni Giambene: Performance Evaluation of a Virtual Queuing - Channel Allocation Scheme for Microcellular Networks. Telecommunication Systems 23(1-2): 35-68 (2003)
7EEAlessandro Andreadis, Giuliano Benelli, Pasquale Fedele, Giovanni Giambene: Mobile Access to Distributed Data Sources. EDBT Workshops 2002: 462-471
6EERomano Fantacci, Giovanni Giambene: Analysis of a MAC Protocol for a Time-Code Air Interface in LEO Mobile Satellite Systems. NETWORKING 2002: 778-789
5EEAlessandro Andreadis, Giuliano Benelli, Giovanni Giambene, Bernardo Marzucchi: Analysis of the WAP protocol over SMS in GSM networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(4): 381-395 (2001)
4 Andrea Abrardo, Giuliano Benelli, Giovanni Giambene, David Sennati: An Analytical Approach for Closed-Loop Power Control Error Estimations in CDMA Cellular Systems. ICC (3) 2000: 1492-1496
3 Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Giovanni Giambene: Characterization of user mobility in Low Earth Orbit mobile satellite systems. Wireless Networks 6(3): 165-179 (2000)
2 Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Giovanni Giambene: Performance evaluation of different resource management strategies in mobile cellular networks. Telecommunication Systems 12(4): 315-340 (1999)
1 Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Giovanni Giambene: Efficient Dynamic Channel Allocation Techniques with Handover Queuing for Mobile Satellite Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(2): 397-405 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Abrardo [4]
2Ivano Alocci [16]
3Alessandro Andreadis [5] [7] [10]
4Danilo Bartolini [12]
5Giuliano Benelli [4] [5] [7] [10]
6M. Berioli [16]
7Nedo Celandroni [13] [16]
8Paolo Chini [12] [17] [18]
9Francesco Chiti [8]
10Gianfranco Ciaschetti [15]
11Lorenzo Corsini [15]
12Paolo Detti [15]
13Romano Fantacci [1] [2] [3] [6] [8] [9]
14Pasquale Fedele [7]
15Erina Ferro [13]
16Pasquale Fiengo [14]
17Stylianos Karapantazis [16]
18Sastri Kota [18]
19Michele Luglio [12]
20Mario Marandola [13]
21Bernardo Marzucchi [5]
22Daniele Miorandi [11]
23Gianluca Nisticò [9]
24Veronica Pasqualetti [10]
25Tommaso Pecorella [8]
26Enrico Del Re [1] [2] [3]
27Cesare Roseti [12]
28David Sennati [4]
29Edmondo Trentin [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)