
Jan-Mark Geusebroek

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41EEGertjan J. Burghouts, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Performance evaluation of local colour invariants. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 113(1): 48-62 (2009)
40EEGertjan J. Burghouts, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Material-specific adaptation of color invariant features. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(3): 306-313 (2009)
39EEJan van Gemert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Cor J. Veenman, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Kernel Codebooks for Scene Categorization. ECCV (3) 2008: 696-709
38EEVictoria Yanulevskaya, Jan van Gemert, Katharina Roth, Ann-Katrin Herbold, N. Sebe, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Emotional valence categorization using holistic image features. ICIP 2008: 101-104
37EEAlireza Tavakoli Targhi, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Andrew Zisserman: Texture classification with minimal training images. ICPR 2008: 1-4
36EEVladimir Nedovic, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, André Redert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Depth Information by Stage Classification. ICCV 2007: 1-8
35EEGertjan J. Burghouts, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: The Distribution Family of Similarity Distances. NIPS 2007
34EECees Snoek, Marcel Worring, Jan van Gemert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: The challenge problem for automated detection of 101 semantic concepts in multimedia. ACM Multimedia 2006: 421-430
33EECees G. M. Snoek, Marcel Worring, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Dennis Koelma, Frank J. Seinstra, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: The Semantic Pathfinder for Generic News Video Indexing. ICME 2006: 1469-1472
32EECees Snoek, Marcel Worring, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Dennis Koelma, Frank J. Seinstra, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: The Semantic Pathfinder: Using an Authoring Metaphor for Generic Multimedia Indexing. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(10): 1678-1689 (2006)
31EEGertjan J. Burghouts, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Quasi-periodic spatiotemporal filtering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(6): 1572-1582 (2006)
30EECees Snoek, Marcel Worring, Jan van Gemert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Dennis Koelma, Giang P. Nguyen, Ork de Rooij, Frank J. Seinstra: MediaMill: exploring news video archives based on learned semantics. ACM Multimedia 2005: 225-226
29EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Frank J. Seinstra: Object Recognition by a Robot Dog Connected to aWide-Area Grid System. ICME 2005: 1565-1566
28EECees G. M. Snoek, Marcel Worring, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Dennis Koelma, Frank J. Seinstra: On the surplus value of semantic video analysis beyond the key frame. ICME 2005: 386-389
27EEFrank J. Seinstra, Cees Snoek, Dennis Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Marcel Worring: User Transparent Parallel Processing of the 2004 NIST TRECVID Data Set. IPDPS 2005
26EEJan-Mark Geusebroek: The Stochastic Structure of Images. Scale-Space 2005: 327-338
25 Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Early Cognitive Computer Vision. Advances in Computers 65: 110-153 (2005)
24EEJoost van de Weijer, Theo Gevers, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Edge and Corner Detection by Photometric Quasi-Invariants. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(4): 625-630 (2005)
23EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: The Amsterdam Library of Object Images. International Journal of Computer Vision 61(1): 103-112 (2005)
22EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: A Six-Stimulus Theory for Stochastic Texture. International Journal of Computer Vision 62(1-2): 7-16 (2005)
21EEMinh Anh Hoang, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Color texture measurement and segmentation. Signal Processing 85(2): 265-275 (2005)
20EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Fragmentation in the Vision of Scenes. ICCV 2003: 130-135
19EEJoost van de Weijer, Theo Gevers, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Color Edge Detection by Photometric Quasi-Invariants. ICCV 2003: 1520-1525
18EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Joost van de Weijer: Fast anisotropic Gauss filtering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(8): 938-943 (2003)
17EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Rein van den Boomgaard, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Theo Gevers: Color constancy from physical principles. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(11): 1653-1662 (2003)
16EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Joost van de Weijer: Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering. ECCV (1) 2002: 99-112
15EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Minh Anh Hoang, Jan van Gemert, Marcel Worring: Genre-Based Search through Biomedical Images. ICPR (1) 2002: 271-
14EEFrank J. Seinstra, Dennis Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, F. C. Verster, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Efficient Applications in User Transparent Parallel Image Processing. IPDPS 2002
13EEMarcel Worring, Andrew D. Bagdanov, Jan van Gemert, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Hoang Minh, Guus Schreiber, Cees Snoek, Jeroen Vendrig, Jan Wielemaker, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Interactive Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Content. SOFSEM 2002: 135-148
12 Frank J. Seinstra, Dennis Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: A software architecture for user transparent parallel image processing. Parallel Computing 28(7-8): 967-993 (2002)
11EEFrank J. Seinstra, Dennis Koelma, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: A Software Architecture for User Transparent Parallel Image Processing on MIMD Computers. Euro-Par 2001: 653-662
10EEArnold W. M. Smeulders, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Theo Gevers: Invariant representation in image processing. ICIP (3) 2001: 18-21
9EEBart M. ter Haar Romeny, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Peter Van Osta, Rein van den Boomgaard, Jan J. Koenderink: Color Differential Structure. Scale-Space 2001: 353-361
8EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Rein van den Boomgaard, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Hugo Geerts: Color Invariance. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(12): 1338-1350 (2001)
7 Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Hugo Geerts: A Minimum Cost Approach for Segmenting Networks of Lines. International Journal of Computer Vision 43(2): 99-111 (2001)
6EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Rein van den Boomgaard: Measurement of Color Invariants. CVPR 2000: 1050-1057
5EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Dennis Koelma, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Theo Gevers: Image Retrieval and Segmentation based on Color Invariants. CVPR 2000: 2784-2785
4EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Rein van den Boomgaard, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Anuj Dev: Color and Scale: The Spatial Structure of Color Images. ECCV (1) 2000: 331-341
3 Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Theo Gevers, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Marcel Worring: Invariance in Content-Based Image Retrieval. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 675-678
2EETheo Gevers, Frank Aldershoff, Jan-Mark Geusebroek: Integrating Visual and Textual Cues for Image Classification. VISUAL 2000: 419-429
1EEJan-Mark Geusebroek, Anuj Dev, Rein van den Boomgaard, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Frans Cornelissen, Hugo Geerts: Color Invariant Edge Detection. Scale-Space 1999: 459-464

Coauthor Index

1Frank Aldershoff [2]
2Andrew D. Bagdanov [13]
3Rein van den Boomgaard [1] [4] [6] [8] [9] [17]
4Gertjan J. Burghouts [23] [31] [35] [40] [41]
5Frans Cornelissen [1]
6Anuj Dev [1] [4]
7Hugo Geerts [1] [7] [8]
8Jan van Gemert [13] [15] [30] [34] [38] [39]
9Theo Gevers [2] [3] [5] [10] [17] [19] [24]
10Ann-Katrin Herbold [38]
11Minh Anh Hoang [15] [21]
12Dennis Koelma [5] [11] [12] [14] [27] [28] [30] [32] [33]
13Jan J. Koenderink [9]
14Hoang Minh [13]
15Vladimir Nedovic [36]
16Giang P. Nguyen [30]
17Peter Van Osta [9]
18André Redert [36]
19Bart M. ter Haar Romeny [9]
20Ork de Rooij [30]
21Katharina Roth [38]
22Guus Schreiber (A. Th. Schreiber) [13]
23N. Sebe [38]
24Frank J. Seinstra [11] [12] [14] [27] [28] [29] [30] [32] [33]
25Arnold W. M. Smeulders [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [39]
26Cees Snoek (Cees G. M. Snoek) [13] [27] [28] [30] [32] [33] [34]
27Alireza Tavakoli Targhi [37]
28Cor J. Veenman [39]
29Jeroen Vendrig [13]
30F. C. Verster [14]
31Joost van de Weijer [16] [18] [19] [24]
32Jan Wielemaker [13]
33Marcel Worring [3] [13] [15] [27] [28] [30] [32] [33] [34]
34Victoria Yanulevskaya [38]
35Andrew Zisserman [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)