
Lars Gesellensetter

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5EELars Gesellensetter, Sabine Glesner: Interprocedural Speculative Optimization of Memory Accesses to Global Variables. Euro-Par 2008: 350-359
4EELars Gesellensetter, Sabine Glesner, Elke Salecker: Formal Verification with Isabelle/HOL in Practice: Finding a Bug in the GCC Scheduler. FMICS 2007: 85-100
3EELars Gesellensetter, Sabine Glesner: Only the Best Can Make It: Optimal Component Selection. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 176(2): 105-124 (2007)
2EEStefan Kopp, Lars Gesellensetter, Nicole C. Krämer, Ipke Wachsmuth: A Conversational Agent as Museum Guide - Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Application. IVA 2005: 329-343
1EEJan Olaf Blech, Lars Gesellensetter, Sabine Glesner: Formal Verification of Dead Code Elimination in Isabelle/HOL. SEFM 2005: 200-209

Coauthor Index

1Jan Olaf Blech [1]
2Sabine Glesner [1] [3] [4] [5]
3Stefan Kopp [2]
4Nicole C. Krämer [2]
5Elke Salecker [4]
6Ipke Wachsmuth [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)