
Walter Gerbino

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3EESara Rigutti, Walter Gerbino: Navigating Within a Web Site: the WebStep Model. ICCM 2004: 378-379
2EEAntonella De Angeli, Frederic Wolff, Laurent Romary, Walter Gerbino: The Ecological Approach to Multimodal System Design. Gesture Workshop 1999: 49-52
1EEAntonella De Angeli, Walter Gerbino, Giulia Cassano, Daniela Petrelli: Visual display, pointing, and natural language: the power of multimodal interaction. AVI 1998: 164-173

Coauthor Index

1Antonella De Angeli [1] [2]
2Giulia Cassano [1]
3Daniela Petrelli [1]
4Sara Rigutti [3]
5Laurent Romary [2]
6Frederic Wolff [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)