
Esma Senturk Gel

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10EEJohn W. Fowler, Pornsarun Wirojanagud, Esma Senturk Gel: Heuristics for workforce planning with worker differences. European Journal of Operational Research 190(3): 724-740 (2008)
9EEAytekin Gel, Sreekanth Pannala, Madhava Syamlal, T. J. O'Brien, Esma Senturk Gel: Comparison of frameworks for a next-generation multiphase flow solver, MFIX: a group decision-making exercise. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(5): 609-624 (2007)
8EEDieter Armbruster, Esma Senturk Gel, Junko Murakami: Bucket brigades with worker learning. European Journal of Operational Research 176(1): 264-274 (2007)
7EECem Vardar, Esma Senturk Gel, John W. Fowler: A framework for evaluating remote diagnostics investment decisions for semiconductor equipment suppliers. European Journal of Operational Research 180(3): 1411-1426 (2007)
6EEDieter Armbruster, Esma Senturk Gel: Bucket brigades revisited: Are they always effective? European Journal of Operational Research 172(1): 213-229 (2006)
5EEBosun Kim, Esma Senturk Gel, John W. Fowler, W. Matthew Carlyle, Jyrki Wallenius: Evaluation of nondominated solution sets for k. European Journal of Operational Research 173(2): 565-582 (2006)
4EENong Ye, Esma Senturk Gel, Xueping Li, Toni Farley, Ying-Cheng Lai: Web server QoS models: applying scheduling rules from production planning. Computers & OR 32: 1147-1164 (2005)
3EEJohn W. Fowler, Bosun Kim, W. Matthew Carlyle, Esma Senturk Gel, Shwu-Min Horng: Evaluating solution sets of a posteriori solution techniques for bi-criteria combinatorial optimization problems. J. Scheduling 8(1): 75-96 (2005)
2EEBrett Marc Duarte, John W. Fowler, Kraig Knutson, Esma Senturk Gel, Dan Shunk: Manufacturing supply chain applications 2: parameterization of fast and accurate simulations for complex supply networks. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1327-1336
1EEW. Matthew Carlyle, Bosun Kim, John W. Fowler, Esma Senturk Gel: Comparison of Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithms for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems. EMO 2001: 472-485

Coauthor Index

1Dieter Armbruster [6] [8]
2W. Matthew Carlyle [1] [3] [5]
3Brett Marc Duarte [2]
4Toni Farley [4]
5John W. Fowler [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [10]
6Aytekin Gel [9]
7Shwu-Min Horng [3]
8Bosun Kim [1] [3] [5]
9Kraig Knutson [2]
10Ying-Cheng Lai [4]
11Xueping Li [4]
12Junko Murakami [8]
13T. J. O'Brien [9]
14Sreekanth Pannala [9]
15Dan Shunk [2]
16Madhava Syamlal [9]
17Cem Vardar [7]
18Jyrki Wallenius [5]
19Pornsarun Wirojanagud [10]
20Nong Ye [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)