
Bugra Gedik

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29EEHenrique Andrade, Bugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu: Scale-Up Strategies for Processing High-Rate Data Streams in System S. ICDE 2009: 1375-1378
28EEBugra Gedik, Rajesh Bordawekar, Philip S. Yu: CellJoin: a parallel stream join operator for the cell processor. VLDB J. 18(2): 501-519 (2009)
27EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: MobiQual: QoS-aware Load Shedding in Mobile CQ Systems. ICDE 2008: 1121-1130
26EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu: Efficient Construction of Compact Shedding Filters for Data Stream Processing. ICDE 2008: 396-405
25EEBugra Gedik, Henrique Andrade, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Myungcheol Doo: SPADE: the system s declarative stream processing engine. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1123-1134
24EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Protecting Location Privacy with Personalized k-Anonymity: Architecture and Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 7(1): 1-18 (2008)
23EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu: Lira: Lightweight, Region-aware Load Shedding in Mobile CQ Systems. ICDE 2007: 286-295
22EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: A Load Shedding Framework and Optimizations for M-way Windowed Stream Joins. ICDE 2007: 536-545
21EEKun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Bugra Gedik, Kirsten Hildrum, Charu C. Aggarwal, Eric Bouillet, Wei Fan, David George, Xiaohui Gu, Gang Luo, Haixun Wang: Challenges and Experience in Prototyping a Multi-Modal Stream Analytic and Monitoring Application on System S. VLDB 2007: 1185-1196
20EEBugra Gedik, Rajesh Bordawekar, Philip S. Yu: CellSort: High Performance Sorting on the Cell Processor. VLDB 2007: 1286-1207
19EEBugra Gedik, Philip S. Yu, Rajesh Bordawekar: Executing Stream Joins on the Cell Processor. VLDB 2007: 363-374
18EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: GrubJoin: An Adaptive, Multi-Way, Windowed Stream Join with Time Correlation-Aware CPU Load Shedding. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(10): 1363-1380 (2007)
17EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu, Philip S. Yu: ASAP: An Adaptive Sampling Approach to Data Collection in Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(12): 1766-1783 (2007)
16EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: CPU load shedding for binary stream joins. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 13(3): 271-303 (2007)
15EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Quality-aware dstributed data delivery for continuous query services. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 419-430
14EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: Processing Moving Queries over Moving Objects Using Motion-Adaptive Indexes. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(5): 651-668 (2006)
13EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: MobiEyes: A Distributed Location Monitoring Service Using Moving Location Queries. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(10): 1384-1402 (2006)
12EEMudhakar Srivatsa, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Large Scaling Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks with Heterogeneity-Aware Topology and Routing. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(11): 1277-1293 (2006)
11EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: Adaptive load shedding for windowed stream joins. CIKM 2005: 171-178
10EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Location Privacy in Mobile Systems: A Personalized Anonymization Model. ICDCS 2005: 620-629
9EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Distributed Information Monitoring Applications. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(6): 767-782 (2005)
8EELakshmish Ramaswamy, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu: A Distributed Approach to Node Clustering in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 16(9): 814-829 (2005)
7EEBugra Gedik, Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu, Ling Liu: Motion adaptive indexing for moving continual queries over moving objects. CIKM 2004: 427-436
6EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: MobiEyes: Distributed Processing of Continuously Moving Queries on Moving Objects in a Mobile System. EDBT 2004: 67-87
5EEBugra Gedik, Aameek Singh, Ling Liu: Energy efficient exact kNN search in wireless broadcast environments. GIS 2004: 137-146
4EEMudhakar Srivatsa, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Scaling Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks With Multi-Tier Capacity-Aware Overlay Topologies. ICPADS 2004: 17-24
3EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: PeerCQ: A Decentralized and Self-Configuring Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring System. ICDCS 2003: 490-499
2EELakshmish Ramaswamy, Bugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Connectivity Based Node Clustering in Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 66-73
1EEBugra Gedik, Ling Liu: Reliable Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring through Replication. SRDS 2003: 56-65

Coauthor Index

1Charu C. Aggarwal [21]
2Henrique Andrade [25] [29]
3Rajesh Bordawekar [19] [20] [28]
4Eric Bouillet [21]
5Myungcheol Doo [25]
6Wei Fan [21]
7David George [21]
8Xiaohui Gu [21]
9Kirsten Hildrum (Kris Hildrum) [21]
10Ling Liu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [22] [23] [24] [27]
11Gang Luo [21]
12Lakshmish Ramaswamy [2] [8]
13Aameek Singh [5]
14Mudhakar Srivatsa [4] [12]
15Haixun Wang [21]
16Kun-Lung Wu [7] [11] [14] [16] [18] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29]
17Philip S. Yu [7] [11] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)