
Weimin Ge

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4EEWenping Jiang, Weimin Ge: Modeling and H Robust Control for Mobile Robot. RAM 2008: 1108-1112
3EEWeimin Ge, Xin Li, Chuanlei Zhang, Xiaojie Sun: Web-based Local Fuzzy Control of Mobile Manipulators. RAM 2008: 645-648
2EEWeimin Ge, Yantai Shu, Liang Zhang, Liping Hao, Oliver W. W. Yang: Measurement and Analysis of TCP Performance in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network. CCECE 2006: 1846-1849
1EEWeimin Ge, Zuoliang Cao: Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Multisensory Fusion. ICNC (3) 2005: 984-987

Coauthor Index

1Zuoliang Cao [1]
2Liping Hao [2]
3Wenping Jiang [4]
4Xin Li [3]
5Yantai Shu [2]
6Xiaojie Sun [3]
7Oliver W. W. Yang [2]
8Chuanlei Zhang [3]
9Liang Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)