
Keith E. Gatling

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4EEA. H. Jarvis, D. Pratt, Keith E. Gatling: The effect of unstaffing. SIGUCCS 1989: 139-142
3EEKeith E. Gatling, A. H. Jarvis, D. A. MacLeod: One mac, two mac, red mac, SUMAC. SIGUCCS 1989: 211-216
2EEDavid K. Boeshaar, Keith E. Gatling: A hard disk organization scheme for delivering CAI on a novell based PC/MS DOS local area network. SIGUCCS 1987: 361
1EEAgnes A. Hoey, Keith E. Gatling: Presenting a united front. SIGUCCS 1987: 383-389

Coauthor Index

1David K. Boeshaar [2]
2Agnes A. Hoey [1]
3A. H. Jarvis [3] [4]
4D. A. MacLeod [3]
5D. Pratt [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)