
Régis Gascon

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6EEStéphane Demri, Régis Gascon: Verification of qualitative Z constraints. Theor. Comput. Sci. 409(1): 24-40 (2008)
5EEStéphane Demri, Deepak D'Souza, Régis Gascon: A Decidable Temporal Logic of Repeating Values. LFCS 2007: 180-194
4EEStéphane Demri, Régis Gascon: The Effects of Bounding Syntactic Resources on Presburger LTL. TIME 2007: 94-104
3EELaura Bozzelli, Régis Gascon: Branching-Time Temporal Logic Extended with Qualitative Presburger Constraints. LPAR 2006: 197-211
2EESilvano Dal-Zilio, Régis Gascon: Resource Bound Certification for a Tail-Recursive Virtual Machine. APLAS 2005: 247-263
1EEStéphane Demri, Régis Gascon: Verification of Qualitative Constraints. CONCUR 2005: 518-532

Coauthor Index

1Laura Bozzelli [3]
2Deepak D'Souza [5]
3Silvano Dal-Zilio [2]
4Stéphane Demri [1] [4] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)