
Yanping Gao

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7EEYanping Gao, Xianjiu Guo, Xianqiang Lv: Design of Control Circuit of Seawater Treatment System Based on Microprocessor. WKDD 2009: 316-318
6EEYanping Gao, Xianqiang Lv, Xianjiu Guo: Development and Research of HVDC Light System Based on DSP. WKDD 2009: 319-322
5EEYanping Gao, Hong Yu, Xinzhong Cui, Yi Xie: Implementation of a new algorithm for the various pattern and language in the Workflow Management System. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 2278-2282
4EEYanping Gao, Xiangjun Li, Yandong Che: New Architecture and Algorithm for Webserver Cluster Based on Linux Virtual Server. ISIP 2008: 520-524
3EEYanping Gao, Changhui Deng, Yandong Che: An Adaptive Index-Based Algorithm Using Time-Coordination in Mobile Computing. ISIP 2008: 578-585
2EEYanping Gao, Hong Yu, Fengjiao Jiang: Design and Implementation of the Network Server Based on SIP Communication Protocol. WKDD 2008: 485-488
1EEZongxiao Yang, Yanyi Zheng, Yanping Gao, Chuanye Cheng, Sheng Xu, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi: Abnormal Data Detection for an E-Business using Object-Oriented Approach. I3E (1) 2007: 671-678

Coauthor Index

1Yandong Che [3] [4]
2Chuanye Cheng [1]
3Xinzhong Cui [5]
4Changhui Deng [3]
5Xianjiu Guo [6] [7]
6Fengjiao Jiang [2]
7Xiangjun Li [4]
8Xianqiang Lv [6] [7]
9Yi Xie [5]
10Sheng Xu [1]
11Hiroyuki Yamaguchi [1]
12Zongxiao Yang [1]
13Hong Yu [2] [5]
14Yanyi Zheng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)