
R. Stockton Gaines

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8EERafael H. Saavedra, R. Stockton Gaines, Michael J. Carlton: Micro benchmark analysis of the KSR1. SC 1993: 202-213
7 Alfred Brenner, Richard F. Freund, R. Stockton Gaines, Rob Kelly, Louis Lome, Richard McAndrew, Alexandru Nicolau, Janak H. Patel, Thomas Probert, John H. Reif, Jorge L. C. Sanz, Howard Jay Siegel, Jon A. Webb: How Do We Make Parallel Processing a Reality? Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice. IPPS 1991: 648-653
6 R. Stockton Gaines, Norman Z. Shapiro: Some Security Principles and Their Application to Computer Scurity. Operating Systems Review 12(3): 19-28 (1978)
5EER. Stockton Gaines, David K. Hsiao: Papers from the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 22-24, 1975, Framingham, Massachusetts. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 3-8 (1976)
4 R. Stockton Gaines: An Operating System Based on the Concept of a Supervisory Computer. Commun. ACM 15(3): 150-156 (1972)
3 R. Stockton Gaines: An Operating System Based on the Concept of a Supervisory Computer (Abstract). SOSP 1971: 17-23
2EER. Stockton Gaines: On the translation of machine language programs. Commun. ACM 8(12): 736-741 (1965)
1 R. Stockton Gaines: Implication techniques for Boolean functions FOCS 1964: 174-182

Coauthor Index

1Alfred Brenner [7]
2Michael J. Carlton [8]
3Richard F. Freund [7]
4David K. Hsiao [5]
5Rob Kelly [7]
6Louis Lome [7]
7Richard McAndrew [7]
8Alexandru Nicolau (Alex Nicolau) [7]
9Janak H. Patel [7]
10Thomas Probert [7]
11John H. Reif [7]
12Rafael H. Saavedra [8]
13Jorge L. C. Sanz [7]
14Norman Z. Shapiro [6]
15Howard Jay Siegel [7]
16Jon A. Webb [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)