
C. Sinan Güntürk

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7EEIngrid Daubechies, Ronald A. DeVore, Massimo Fornasier, C. Sinan Güntürk: Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares minimization: Proof of faster than linear rate for sparse recovery. CISS 2008: 26-29
6EEC. Sinan Güntürk: Simultaneous and hybrid beta-encodings. CISS 2008: 743-748
5EEIngrid Daubechies, C. Sinan Güntürk, Y. Wang, Özgür Yilmaz: The Golden Ratio Encoder CoRR abs/0809.1257: (2008)
4EEIngrid Daubechies, Ronald A. DeVore, C. Sinan Güntürk, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: A/D conversion with imperfect quantizers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(3): 874-885 (2006)
3 C. Sinan Güntürk, Nguyen T. Thao: Refined error analysis in second-order Sigma-Delta modulation with constant inputs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(5): 839-860 (2004)
2 C. Sinan Güntürk, J. C. Lagarias, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: On the robustness of single-loop sigma-Delta modulation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(5): 1735-1744 (2001)
1EEHakan Caglar, C. Sinan Güntürk, Bülent Sankur, Emin Anarim: VQ-adaptive block transform coding of images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7(1): 110-115 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Emin Anarim [1]
2Hakan Caglar [1]
3Ingrid Daubechies [4] [5] [7]
4Ronald A. DeVore [4] [7]
5Massimo Fornasier [7]
6Jeffrey C. Lagarias (J. C. Lagarias) [2]
7Bülent Sankur [1]
8Nguyen T. Thao [3]
9Vinay A. Vaishampayan [2] [4]
10Y. Wang [5]
11Özgür Yilmaz [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)