
Teruo Fukumura

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15EEHideaki Ito, Teruo Fukumura: Message Flow: Design and Architecture of a Message Flow Management System. KES (2) 2007: 777-784
14 Hideaki Ito, Teruo Fukumura: A Video Delivery Method Using Available Bandwidth of Links with Buffers and Disks. ICEIS (1) 2005: 453-456
13EEHideaki Ito, Teruo Fukumura: Utilizing Disks for the Available Link Bandwidth Video Delivery Method. ICITA (2) 2005: 371-376
12EEToyohide Watanabe, Teruo Fukumura: A framework for validating recognized results in understanding table-form document images. ICDAR 1995: 536-539
11 Hideaki Ito, Teruo Fukumura: IKD: A Knowledge-Based Tool for Integrating a Knowledge Base and a Database. ICTAI 1992: 460-461
10EEMaan Ammar, Yuuji Yoshida, Teruo Fukumura: Structural description and classification of signature images. Pattern Recognition 23(7): 697-710 (1990)
9EETakahiro Haga, Teruo Fukumura: (p, q)-Logical completeness for output-coherent sets of (p, q)-Logical functions and an application of the set to image processing. Inf. Sci. 40(3): 207-226 (1986)
8EETakahiro Haga, Teruo Fukumura: The p-valued-input, q-valued-output threshold logic and the (p, q)-polypheck-like function. Inf. Sci. 40(3): 227-246 (1986)
7 Masaharu Imai, Yuuji Tateizumi, Yuuji Yoshida, Teruo Fukumura: The Architecture and Efficiency of DON: A Combinatorial Problem Oriented Multicomputer System. ICDCS 1984: 174-182
6EETakahiro Haga, Teruo Fukumura: The p-valued-input, q-valued-output threshold logic and its application to the synthesis of p-valued logical networks. Inf. Sci. 32(2): 123-138 (1984)
5 Teruo Fukumura: Towards the Integration of the Knowledge Information Processing. New Generation Comput. 2(2): 103-104 (1984)
4 Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Toshiki Sakabe, Teruo Fukumura: Addressable Approximations to Nonaddressable Data Graphs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 17(1): 1-34 (1978)
3 Kazue Sugino, Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Teruo Fukumura: A Note on the Linear Space Automata Stability Problem. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(7): 678-683 (1976)
2 Munehiro Goto, Teruo Fukumura: Perfect Nonbinary AN Codes with Distance Three Information and Control 27(4): 336-348 (1975)
1 Yasuyoshi Inagaki, Teruo Fukumura: Some Aspects of Linear Space Automata Information and Control 20(5): 439-479 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Maan Ammar [10]
2Munehiro Goto [2]
3Takahiro Haga [6] [8] [9]
4Masaharu Imai [7]
5Yasuyoshi Inagaki [1] [3] [4]
6Hideaki Ito [11] [13] [14] [15]
7Toshiki Sakabe [4]
8Kazue Sugino [3]
9Yuuji Tateizumi [7]
10Toyohide Watanabe [12]
11Yuuji Yoshida [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)