
Yozo Fujino

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3EEM. Hassanien Serror, Junya Inoue, Yoshinobu Adachi, Yozo Fujino: Shared computer-aided structural design model for construction industry (infrastructure). Computer-Aided Design 40(7): 778-788 (2008)
2EENaohiko Suzuki, Kosuke Hirasawa, Kenichi Tanaka, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoichi Sato, Yozo Fujino: Learning motion patterns and anomaly detection by Human trajectory analysis. SMC 2007: 498-503
1EEYusuke Mizuno, Masato Abe, Yozo Fujino: Architecture for Universal Utilization of Bridge Management Data. WSTST 2005: 765-774

Coauthor Index

1Masato Abe [1]
2Yoshinobu Adachi [3]
3Kosuke Hirasawa [2]
4Junya Inoue [3]
5Yoshinori Kobayashi [2]
6Yusuke Mizuno [1]
7Yoichi Sato [2]
8M. Hassanien Serror [3]
9Naohiko Suzuki [2]
10Kenichi Tanaka [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)