
Christian Fritz

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11EEChristian Fritz, Richard Hull, Jianwen Su: Automatic construction of simple artifact-based business processes. ICDT 2009: 225-238
10 Jorge A. Baier, Christian Fritz, Meghyn Bienvenu, Sheila A. McIlraith: Beyond Classical Planning: Procedural Control Knowledge and Preferences in State-of-the-Art Planners. AAAI 2008: 1509-1512
9 Christian Fritz: Finding State Similarities for Faster Planning. AAAI 2008: 925-930
8 Christian Fritz, Jorge A. Baier, Sheila A. McIlraith: ConGolog, Sin Trans: Compiling ConGolog into Basic Action Theories for Planning and Beyond. KR 2008: 600-610
7 Christian Fritz, Sheila A. McIlraith: Monitoring Plan Optimality During Execution. ICAPS 2007: 144-151
6 Jorge A. Baier, Christian Fritz, Sheila A. McIlraith: Exploiting Procedural Domain Control Knowledge in State-of-the-Art Planners. ICAPS 2007: 26-33
5 Meghyn Bienvenu, Christian Fritz, Sheila A. McIlraith: Planning with Qualitative Temporal Preferences. KR 2006: 134-144
4 Christian Fritz, Sheila A. McIlraith: Decision-Theoretic GOLOG with Qualitative Preferences. KR 2006: 153-163
3EEAlexander Ferrein, Christian Fritz, Gerhard Lakemeyer: Using Golog for Deliberation and Team Coordination in Robotic Soccer. KI 19(1): 24- (2005)
2EEAlexander Ferrein, Christian Fritz, Gerhard Lakemeyer: On-Line Decision-Theoretic Golog for Unpredictable Domains. KI 2004: 322-336
1 Alexander Ferrein, Christian Fritz, Gerhard Lakemeyer: Extending DTGOLOG with Options. IJCAI 2003: 1394-1395

Coauthor Index

1Jorge A. Baier [6] [8] [10]
2Meghyn Bienvenu [5] [10]
3Alexander Ferrein [1] [2] [3]
4Richard Hull [11]
5Gerhard Lakemeyer [1] [2] [3]
6Sheila A. McIlraith [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Jianwen Su [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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