
Tema Fridman

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5EENikita Arnold, Tema Fridman, Robert M. Day, Andrey Gorin: Invited Keynote Talk: Computing P-Values for Peptide Identifications in Mass Spectrometry. ISBRA 2008: 100-109
4 Tema Fridman, Vladimir Protopopescu, Gregory B. Hurst, Andrey Borziak, Andrey Gorin: Generating theoretical spectra for peptide identification. METMBS 2005: 180-189
3EETema Fridman, Jane Razumovskaya, Nathan Verberkmoes, Gregory B. Hurst, Vladimir Protopopescu, Ying Xu: The Probability Distribution for a Random Match between an Experimental-theoretical Spectral Pair in Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3(2): 455-476 (2005)
2EEAndrey Gorin, Robert M. Day, Andrey Borziak, Michael B. Strader, Gregory B. Hurst, Tema Fridman: Probability Profile Method -- New Approach to Data Analysis in Tandem Mass Spectrometry. CSB 2004: 499-502
1EETema Fridman, Robert M. Day, Jane Razumovsbya, Dong Xu, Andrey Gorin: Probability Profiles - Novel Approach in Tandem Mass Spectrometry De Novo Sequencing. CSB 2003: 415-418

Coauthor Index

1Nikita Arnold [5]
2Andrey Borziak [2] [4]
3Robert M. Day [1] [2] [5]
4Andrey Gorin [1] [2] [4] [5]
5Gregory B. Hurst [2] [3] [4]
6Vladimir Protopopescu [3] [4]
7Jane Razumovsbya [1]
8Jane Razumovskaya [3]
9Michael B. Strader [2]
10Nathan Verberkmoes [3]
11Dong Xu [1]
12Ying Xu [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)