
Marcelo F. Frias

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30EENazareno Aguirre, Marcelo F. Frias, Mariano M. Moscato, T. S. E. Maibaum, Alan Wassyng: Describing and Analyzing Behaviours over Tabular Specifications Using (Dyn)Alloy. FASE 2009: 155-170
29EENazareno Aguirre, Marcelo F. Frias, Pablo Ponzio, Brian J. Cardiff, Juan P. Galeotti, Germán Regis: Towards Abstraction for DynAlloy Specifications. ICFEM 2008: 207-225
28EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo, Mariano M. Moscato: Alloy Analyzer+PVS in the Analysis and Verification of Alloy Specifications. TACAS 2007: 587-601
27EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo, Juan P. Galeotti, Nazareno Aguirre: Efficient Analysis of DynAlloy Specifications. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 17(1): (2007)
26EECarlos López Pombo, Marcelo F. Frias: Fork Algebras as a Sufficiently Rich Universal Institution. AMAST 2006: 235-247
25EEMarcelo F. Frias, Rodolfo Gamarra, Gabriela Steren, Lorena Bourg: Monotonicity Analysis Can Speed Up Verification. RelMiCS 2006: 177-191
24EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo: Interpretability of first-order linear temporal logics in fork algebras. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 66(2): 161-184 (2006)
23EEMarcelo F. Frias, Rodolfo Gamarra, Gabriela Steren, Lorena Bourg: A strategy for efficient verification of relational specifications, based on monotonicity analysis. ASE 2005: 305-308
22EEMarcelo F. Frias, Juan P. Galeotti, Carlos López Pombo, Nazareno Aguirre: DynAlloy: upgrading alloy with actions. ICSE 2005: 442-451
21EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo, Gabriel A. Baum, Nazareno Aguirre, T. S. E. Maibaum: Reasoning about static and dynamic properties in alloy: A purely relational approach. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 14(4): 478-526 (2005)
20EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo, Nazareno Aguirre: An Equational Calculus for Alloy. ICFEM 2004: 162-175
19EEMarcelo F. Frias, Carlos López Pombo, Gabriel Baum, Nazareno Aguirre, T. S. E. Maibaum: Taking Alloy to the Movies. FME 2003: 678-697
18EEMarcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, T. S. E. Maibaum: Interpretability of First-Order Dynamic Logic in a Relational Calculus. RelMiCS 2001: 66-80
17EEMarcelo F. Frias, Roger D. Maddux: Completeness of a relational calculus for program schemes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 254(1-2): 543-556 (2001)
16 Marcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Esteban de la Canal: How to say Greedy in Fork Algebras. RelMiCS 2000: 75-84
15EEGabriel Baum, Marcelo F. Frias, T. S. E. Maibaum: A Logic for Real-Time Systems Specification, Its Algebraic Semantics, and Equational Calculus. AMAST 1998: 91-105
14 Marcelo F. Frias, Roger D. Maddux: Completeness of a Relational Calculus for Program Schemes. LICS 1998: 127-134
13 Marcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Armando Martin Haeberer: A calculus for program construction based on fork algebras, generic algorithms and design strategies. RelMiCS 1998: 75-79
12 Marcelo F. Frias, Ewa Orlowska: Equational Reasoning in Non--Classical Logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8(1-2): (1998)
11EEMarcelo F. Frias, Armando Martin Haeberer: Editorial. Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(2): 151-156 (1998)
10EEMarcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Armando Martin Haeberer: Representability and Program Construction within Fork Algebras. Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(2): 227-257 (1998)
9 Marcelo F. Frias, Roger D. Maddux: Completeness of the Relational Calculus MU2. RelMiCS 1997: 205-214
8 Marcelo F. Frias, Ewa Orlowska: Equational Reasoning in Non-Classical Logics. RelMiCS 1997: 321-329
7 Marcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Armando Martin Haeberer: Representability and Program Construction within Fork Algebras (Part II). RelMiCS 1997: 351-358
6 Marcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Armando Martin Haeberer: Fork Algebras in Algebra, Logic and Computer Science. Fundam. Inform. 32(1): 1-25 (1997)
5EEMarcelo F. Frias, Armando Martin Haeberer, Paulo A. S. Veloso: A Finite Axiomatization for Fork Algebras. Logic Journal of the IGPL 5(3): (1997)
4 Marcelo F. Frias, Gabriel Baum, Armando Martin Haeberer: Adding Design Strategies to Fork Algebras. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 214-226
3 Gabriel Baum, Marcelo F. Frias, Armando Martin Haeberer, Pablo E. Martínez López: From Specifications to Programs: A Fork-Algebraic Approach to Bridge the Gap. MFCS 1996: 180-191
2EEMarcelo F. Frias, Silvia E. Gordillo: Semantic Optimization of Queries in Deductive Object-Oriented Database. ADBIS 1995: 55-72
1 Andre J. Sampaio, Armando Martin Haeberer, Claudio T. Prates, Cristina D. Ururahy, Marcelo F. Frias, Neudson C. Albuquerque: PLATO: A Tool to Assist Programming as Term Rewriting and Therem Proving. TAPSOFT 1995: 797-798

Coauthor Index

1Nazareno Aguirre [19] [20] [21] [22] [27] [29] [30]
2Neudson C. Albuquerque [1]
3Gabriel Baum (Gabriel A. Baum) [3] [4] [6] [7] [10] [13] [15] [16] [18] [19] [21]
4Lorena Bourg [23] [25]
5Esteban de la Canal [16]
6Brian J. Cardiff [29]
7Juan P. Galeotti [22] [27] [29]
8Rodolfo Gamarra [23] [25]
9Silvia E. Gordillo [2]
10Armando Martin Haeberer [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [13]
11Pablo E. Martínez López [3]
12Roger D. Maddux [9] [14] [17]
13T. S. E. Maibaum (Thomas Stephen Edward Maibaum) [15] [18] [19] [21] [30]
14Mariano M. Moscato [28] [30]
15Ewa Orlowska [8] [12]
16Carlos López Pombo [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [26] [27] [28]
17Pablo Ponzio [29]
18Claudio T. Prates [1]
19Germán Regis [29]
20Andre J. Sampaio [1]
21Gabriela Steren [23] [25]
22Cristina D. Ururahy [1]
23Paulo A. S. Veloso [5]
24Alan Wassyng [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)