Gabriel A. Baum
List of publications from the
2005 |
22 | EE | Marcelo F. Frias,
Carlos López Pombo,
Gabriel A. Baum,
Nazareno Aguirre,
T. S. E. Maibaum:
Reasoning about static and dynamic properties in alloy: A purely relational approach.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 14(4): 478-526 (2005) |
2004 |
21 | EE | Martín Nordio,
Ricardo Medel,
Francisco Bavera,
Jorge Aguirre,
Gabriel Baum:
A Framework for Execution of Secure Mobile Code based on Static Analysis.
SCCC 2004: 59-66 |
2003 |
20 | EE | Marcelo F. Frias,
Carlos López Pombo,
Gabriel Baum,
Nazareno Aguirre,
T. S. E. Maibaum:
Taking Alloy to the Movies.
FME 2003: 678-697 |
2002 |
19 | EE | Claudia Pons,
Gabriel Baum:
Reasoning about the correctness of software development process.
ICSE 2002: 708 |
2001 |
18 | EE | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
T. S. E. Maibaum:
Interpretability of First-Order Dynamic Logic in a Relational Calculus.
RelMiCS 2001: 66-80 |
2000 |
17 | EE | Claudia Pons,
Gabriel Baum:
Formal Foundations of Object-Oriented Modeling Notations.
ICFEM 2000: 101-110 |
16 | EE | Claudia Pons,
Roxana S. Giandini,
Gabriel Baum:
Dependency Relations between Models in the Unified Process.
IWSSD 2000: 149-158 |
15 | | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Esteban de la Canal:
How to say Greedy in Fork Algebras.
RelMiCS 2000: 75-84 |
1999 |
14 | | Herbert Weber,
Marcus Klar,
Stefan Mann,
Ralf-Detlef Kutsche,
Stefan Jähnichen,
Robert Büssow,
Hartmut Ehrig,
Robert Geisler,
Gabriel Baum,
Claudia Pons,
Miguel Felder,
Sergio Waldoke:
Integrating Object-Oriented Modelling Techniques with Formal Specification Techniques.
German-Argentinian Workshop on Information Technology 1999: 23-30 |
1998 |
13 | EE | Gabriel Baum,
Marcelo F. Frias,
T. S. E. Maibaum:
A Logic for Real-Time Systems Specification, Its Algebraic Semantics, and Equational Calculus.
AMAST 1998: 91-105 |
12 | EE | Natalia A. Romero,
María José Presso,
Verónica Argañaraz,
Gabriel Baum,
Maximo Prieto:
Purpose: Between Types and Code.
ECOOP Workshops 1998: 68-69 |
11 | | Claudia Pons,
Gabriel Baum,
Miguel Felder:
Foundations of Object-Oriented Modeling Notation in a Dynamic Logic Framework.
FMLDO 1998: 1-18 |
10 | | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Armando Martin Haeberer:
A calculus for program construction based on fork algebras, generic algorithms and design strategies.
RelMiCS 1998: 75-79 |
9 | EE | Claudia Pons,
Gabriel Baum,
Miguel Felder:
A Dynamic Logic Model for the Formal Foundation of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
SCCC 1998: 130-139 |
8 | EE | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Armando Martin Haeberer:
Representability and Program Construction within Fork Algebras.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(2): 227-257 (1998) |
7 | EE | Pablo E. Martínez López,
Gabriel A. Baum:
Fork Algebraic Datatypes.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(4): 531-543 (1998) |
1997 |
6 | | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Armando Martin Haeberer:
Representability and Program Construction within Fork Algebras (Part II).
RelMiCS 1997: 351-358 |
5 | | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Armando Martin Haeberer:
Fork Algebras in Algebra, Logic and Computer Science.
Fundam. Inform. 32(1): 1-25 (1997) |
1996 |
4 | | Marcelo F. Frias,
Gabriel Baum,
Armando Martin Haeberer:
Adding Design Strategies to Fork Algebras.
Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 214-226 |
3 | | Gabriel Baum,
Marcelo F. Frias,
Armando Martin Haeberer,
Pablo E. Martínez López:
From Specifications to Programs: A Fork-Algebraic Approach to Bridge the Gap.
MFCS 1996: 180-191 |
1993 |
2 | EE | Gabriel Baum,
Silvia E. Gordillo,
Claudia Pons,
Clara Smith,
Carlos A. Tau:
Conceptual Layers in an Object Oriented Database. An Unified Model.
DASFAA 1993: 141-147 |
1 | | Armando Martin Haeberer,
Gabriel Baum,
Gunther Schmidt:
On the Smooth Calculation of Relational Recursive Expressions out of First-Order Non-Constructive Specifications Involving Quantifiers.
Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications 1993: 281-298 |