
Michael P. Fourman

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11 Michael P. Fourman: Logics for Action. IICAI 2007: 1223-1237
10EEMichael P. Fourman: Propositional Reasoning. TACAS 2001: 23
9 Simon Finn, Michael P. Fourman, John Longley: Partial Functions in a Total Setting. J. Autom. Reasoning 18(1): 85-104 (1997)
8 Michael P. Fourman: Proof and design. NATO ASI DPD 1996: 397-439
7 Michael P. Fourman, Hayo Thielecke: A Proposed Categorical Semantics for ML Modules. Category Theory and Computer Science 1995: 240-252
6 Nick Chapman, Simon Finn, Michael P. Fourman: Datatypes in L2. TPHOLs 1994: 128-143
5 Wesley Phoa, Michael P. Fourman: A Proposed Categorial Semantics for Pure ML. ICALP 1992: 533-544
4 Michael P. Fourman: The CAD Tool of the Future. IFIP Congress (1) 1992: 713
3 Eleanor M. Mayger, Michael P. Fourman: Integration of Formal Methods with System Design. VLSI 1991: 59-69
2 Michael P. Fourman, Steven Vickers: Theories as Categories. CTCS 1985: 434-448
1 Michael P. Fourman: Compaction of Symbolic Layout Using Genetic Algorithms. ICGA 1985: 141-153

Coauthor Index

1Nick Chapman [6]
2Simon Finn [6] [9]
3John Longley [9]
4Eleanor M. Mayger [3]
5Wesley Phoa [5]
6Hayo Thielecke [7]
7Steven J. Vickers (Steven Vickers) [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)