
John Ford

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4EEEdward Tsang, John Ford, Patrick Mills, Richard Bradwell, Richard Williams, Paul Scott: Towards a practical engineering tool for rostering. Annals OR 155(1): 257-277 (2007)
3EENicola Beasley, John Ford, Nils Tomes: Enabling Postgraduate Learning in the Workplace. eTRAIN 2003: 189-196
2EEPatrick Mills, Edward Tsang, John Ford: Applying an Extended Guided Local Search to the Quadratic Assignment Problem. Annals OR 118(1-4): 121-135 (2003)
1 Doug Matthes, John Ford: Technique for testing a very high speed mixed signal read channel design. ITC 2000: 965-970

Coauthor Index

1Nicola Beasley [3]
2Richard Bradwell [4]
3Doug Matthes [1]
4Patrick Mills [2] [4]
5Paul Scott [4]
6Nils Tomes [3]
7Edward Tsang [2] [4]
8Richard Williams [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)