
Julie Fisher

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19EEJulie Fisher, Rudy Hirschheim, Robert Jacobs: Understanding the outsourcing learning curve: A longitudinal analysis of a large Australian company. Information Systems Frontiers 10(2): 165-178 (2008)
18EEJames Grant, Kathy Lynch, Julie Fisher: Looks Can Cost; Especially On A Small Screen. I3E (1) 2007: 222-232
17EEJulie Fisher, Annemieke Craig, John Bentley: Moving from a Web Presence to e-Commerce: The Importance of a Business - Web Strategy for Small-Business Owners. Electronic Markets 17(4): 253-262 (2007)
16EEJulie Fisher, Helana Scheepers, Rens Scheepers: E-Commerce Research in Australia: Inviting a Comparative Analysis. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(1): (2007)
15EEJulie Fisher, Karlheinz Kautz: Special Issue Editorial. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(1): (2007)
14EEPeter Shackleton, Julie Fisher, Linda Dawson: From Dog Licences to Democracy: Local Government Approaches to E-Service Delivery in Australia. ECIS 2005
13EEJulie Fisher, Annemieke Craig: Developing Business Community Portals for SMEs - Issues of Design, Development and Sustainability. Electronic Markets 15(2): 136-145 (2005)
12EEJulie Fisher, Annemieke Craig: From websites to portals: success factors for business community portals. ECIS 2004
11EEJulie Fisher, John Bentley, Annemieke Craig, Rodney Turner: Web site information design: what small business needs to know. ECIS 2004
10EEPeter Shackleton, Julie Fisher, Linda Dawson: Evolution of Local Government E-Services: The Applicability of E-Business Maturity Models. HICSS 2004
9EERodney Turner, Glenn Lowry, Julie Fisher: A Structural Model of the Information Systems Professional. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning 2004: 243-253
8 Joze Kuzic, Angela Scollary, Julie Fisher: E-Business in the Communications Industry. ICWI 2003: 3-10
7EEJoze Kuzic, Julie Fisher, Angela Scollary: Electronic Commerce Benefits, Challenges And Success Factors In The Australian Banking And Finance Industry. ECIS 2002
6EEJulie Fisher, Annemieke Craig, John Bentley: Evaluating Small Business Web Sites - Understanding Users. ECIS 2002
5EEPaul Hawking, Julie Fisher: The State Of Play Of The Websites Of Large Australian Companies. ECIS 2002
4 Julie Fisher, Annemieke Craig: Considering the Gender of Your Web Audience. Woman, Work and Computerization 2000: 164-173
3 Julie Fisher: The Importance of User Message Text and Why Professional Writers Should Be Involved. Australian Computer Journal 31(4): 118-123 (1999)
2EEAnnemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Angela Scollary, Mohini Singh: Closing the gap: Women education and information technology courses in Australia. Journal of Systems and Software 40(1): 7-15 (1998)
1EEJulie Fisher: Defining the Roles of a Technical Communicator. SIGDOC 1997: 55-62

Coauthor Index

1John Bentley [6] [11] [17]
2Annemieke Craig [2] [4] [6] [11] [12] [13] [17]
3Linda Dawson [10] [14]
4James Grant [18]
5Paul Hawking [5]
6Rudy Hirschheim [19]
7Robert Jacobs [19]
8Karlheinz Kautz [15]
9Joze Kuzic [7] [8]
10Glenn Lowry [9]
11Kathy Lynch [18]
12Helana Scheepers [16]
13Rens Scheepers [16]
14Angela Scollary [2] [7] [8]
15Peter Shackleton [10] [14]
16Mohini Singh [2]
17Rodney Turner [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)