
Jörg Fischer

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7EEJörg Fischer, Kristian Kersting: Scaled CGEM: A Fast Accelerated EM. ECML 2003: 133-144
6EEWolfgang J. Paul, Peter Bach, Michael Bosch, Jörg Fischer, Cédric Lichtenau, Jochen Röhrig: Real PRAM Programming. Euro-Par 2002: 522-531
5EEJörg Fischer, Sergei Gorlatch: Turing Universality of Recursive Patterns for Parallel Programming. Parallel Processing Letters 12(2): 229-246 (2002)
4EEAlim-Louis Benabid, Dominque Hoffmann, Luc Court, Vincent Robert, Sébastien Burtin, Patrick Pittet, Jörg Fischer: The Clinical Use of Multi-modal Resources (2D/3D/Statistics) for Robot Assisted Functional Neurosurgery. MICCAI 2001: 1421-1423
3EEJörg Fischer, Stefan Conrad: Formalizing Timing Diagrams as Causal Dependencies for Verification Purposes. IFM 2000: 45-60
2EEGert Zülch, Jörg Fischer, Uwe Jonsson: An integrated object model for activity network based simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 371-380
1 Jürgen Deissner, Gerhard Fettweis, Jörg Fischer, Dietrich Hunold, Jens Voigt, Ralf Lehnert, Mathias Schweigel, Jörg Wagner: A Development Platform for the Design and Optimization of Mobile Radio Networks. MMB (Kurzvorträge) 1999: 129-133

Coauthor Index

1Peter Bach [6]
2Alim-Louis Benabid [4]
3Michael Bosch [6]
4Sébastien Burtin [4]
5Stefan Conrad [3]
6Luc Court [4]
7Jürgen Deissner [1]
8Gerhard Fettweis [1]
9Sergei Gorlatch [5]
10Dominque Hoffmann [4]
11Dietrich Hunold [1]
12Uwe Jonsson [2]
13Kristian Kersting [7]
14Ralf Lehnert [1]
15Cédric Lichtenau [6]
16Wolfgang J. Paul [6]
17Patrick Pittet [4]
18Vincent Robert [4]
19Jochen Röhrig [6]
20Mathias Schweigel [1]
21Jens Voigt [1]
22Jörg Wagner [1]
23Gert Zülch [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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