
Weiler Alves Finamore

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9EEMarcos de Castro Pacitti, Weiler Alves Finamore: Digital Watermarking Robustness and Fragility Characteristics: New Modelling and Coding Influence. IWDW 2005: 325-335
8EEMarcos de Castro Pacitti, Weiler Alves Finamore: Performance Lower Bounds for Existing and New Uncoded Digital Watermarking Modulation Techniques. IWDW 2005: 403-417
7EEWeiler Alves Finamore, S. V. B. Bruno, Djalma D. Silva: Vector Permutation Encoding for the Uniform Sources. Data Compression Conference 2004: 539
6 Arthur L. A. da Cunha, Weiler Alves Finamore, Eduardo A. B. da Silva: Robust still image coding using lapped transforms with block classification. ICIP (1) 2002: 249-252
5EEMurilo B. de Carvalho, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Weiler Alves Finamore: Multidimensional signal compression using multiscale recurrent patterns. Signal Processing 82(11): 1559-1580 (2002)
4EEM. S. Pinho, Weiler Alves Finamore: Lower Bounding the Optimal LZ78-Parsing. Data Compression Conference 2001: 513
3 Murilo B. de Carvalho, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Weiler Alves Finamore, Denise de Melo Lima: Universal Multi-Scale Matching Pursuits Algorithm with Reduced Blocking Effect. ICIP 2000
2EEM. S. Pinho, Weiler Alves Finamore, William A. Pearlman: Fast Multi-Match Lempel-Ziv. Data Compression Conference 1999: 545
1 Kumar Balachandran, John B. Anderson, Weiler Alves Finamore, Cecilio J.-L. Pimentel: Better rate 1/2 coded continuous phase modulation schemes and the M-algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(5): 1687- (1993)

Coauthor Index

1John B. Anderson [1]
2Kumar Balachandran [1]
3S. V. B. Bruno [7]
4Murilo B. de Carvalho [3] [5]
5Arthur L. A. da Cunha [6]
6Denise de Melo Lima [3]
7Marcos de Castro Pacitti [8] [9]
8William A. Pearlman [2]
9Cecilio J.-L. Pimentel [1]
10M. S. Pinho [2] [4]
11Djalma D. Silva [7]
12Eduardo A. B. da Silva [3] [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)