
James Allen Fill

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22EEJames Allen Fill, Nevin Kapur, Alois Panholzer: Destruction of Very Simple Trees. Algorithmica 46(3-4): 345-366 (2006)
21EEJames Allen Fill, Nevin Kapur: Transfer theorems and asymptotic distributional results for m-ary search trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 26(4): 359-391 (2005)
20EEJames Allen Fill, Svante Janson: The number of bit comparisons used by Quicksort: an average-case analysis. SODA 2004: 300-307
19EEJames Allen Fill, Nevin Kapur: Limiting distributions for additive functionals on Catalan trees. Theor. Comput. Sci. 326(1-3): 69-102 (2004)
18EERobert P. Dobrow, James Allen Fill: Speeding up the FMMR perfect sampling algorithm: A case study revisited. Random Struct. Algorithms 23(4): 434-452 (2003)
17EEJames Allen Fill, Svante Janson: Quicksort asymptotics. J. Algorithms 44(1): 4-28 (2002)
16 James Allen Fill, Svante Janson: Approximating the limiting Quicksort distribution. Random Struct. Algorithms 19(3-4): 376-406 (2001)
15 James Allen Fill, Mark Huber: The Randomness Recycler: A New Technique for Perfect Sampling. FOCS 2000: 503-511
14EEJames Allen Fill, Svante Janson: Smoothness and decay properties of the limiting Quicksort density function CoRR math.PR/0005235: (2000)
13EEJames Allen Fill, Svante Janson: A characterization of the set of fixed points of the Quicksort transformation CoRR math.PR/0005236: (2000)
12EELuc Devroye, James Allen Fill, Ralph Neininger: Perfect simulation from the Quicksort limit distribution CoRR math.PR/0005237: (2000)
11 James Allen Fill, Edward R. Scheinerman, Karen B. Singer-Cohen: Random intersection graphs when m=omega(n): An equivalence theorem relating the evolution of the G(n, m, p) and G(n, p) models. Random Struct. Algorithms 16(2): 156-176 (2000)
10 James Allen Fill, Motoya Machida, Duncan J. Murdoch, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal: Extension of Fill's perfect rejection sampling algorithm to general chains. Random Struct. Algorithms 17(3-4): 290-316 (2000)
9 Robert P. Dobrow, James Allen Fill: Total Path Length For Random Recursive Trees. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 8(4): (1999)
8EEJames Allen Fill: An Interruptible Algorithm for Perfect Sampling via Markov Chains. STOC 1997: 688-695
7 James Allen Fill, Robert P. Dobrow: The Number of m-ary Search Trees on n Keys. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 6(4): 435-453 (1997)
6 Robert P. Dobrow, James Allen Fill: Multiway trees of Maximum and Minimum Probability under the Random Permutation Model. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 5: 351-371 (1996)
5 James Allen Fill: On the distribution of binary search trees under the random permutation model. Random Struct. Algorithms 8(1): 1-25 (1996)
4 James Allen Fill, Lars Holst: On the distribution of search cost for the move-to-front rule. Random Struct. Algorithms 8(3): 179-186 (1996)
3EEJames Allen Fill: Limits and Rates of Convergence for the Distribution of Search Cost Under the Move-to-Front Rule. Theor. Comput. Sci. 164(1&2): 185-206 (1996)
2 Persi Diaconis, James Allen Fill, Jim Pitman: Analysis of Top To Random Shuffles. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1: 135-155 (1992)
1 James Allen Fill: The Radon Transform on Zn. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(2): 262-283 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Luc Devroye [12]
2Persi Diaconis [2]
3Robert P. Dobrow [6] [7] [9] [18]
4Lars Holst [4]
5Mark Huber [15]
6Svante Janson [13] [14] [16] [17] [20]
7Nevin Kapur [19] [21] [22]
8Motoya Machida [10]
9Duncan J. Murdoch [10]
10Ralph Neininger [12]
11Alois Panholzer [22]
12Jim Pitman [2]
13Jeffrey S. Rosenthal [10]
14Edward R. Scheinerman [11]
15Karen B. Singer-Cohen [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)