
Thomas Filkorn

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9 Edmund M. Clarke, Somesh Jha, Reinhard Enders, Thomas Filkorn: Exploiting Symmetry in Temporal Logic Model Checking. Formal Methods in System Design 9(1/2): 77-104 (1996)
8 Jürgen Dingel, Thomas Filkorn: Model Checking for Infinite State Systems Using Data Abstraction, Assumption-Commitment Style reasoning and Theorem Proving. CAV 1995: 54-69
7 Klaus Winkelmann, Thomas Filkorn: System Verification Environment - SVE. FTRTFT 1994: 783-783
6 Edmund M. Clarke, Thomas Filkorn, Somesh Jha: Exploiting Symmetry In Temporal Logic Model Checking. CAV 1993: 450-462
5 Reinhard Enders, Thomas Filkorn, Dirk Taubner: Generating BDDs for Symbolic Model Checking in CCS. Distributed Computing 6(3): 155-164 (1993)
4 Reinhard Enders, Thomas Filkorn, Dirk Taubner: Generating BDDs for Symbolic Model Checking in CCS. CAV 1991: 203-213
3 Thomas Filkorn: Functional Extension of Symbolic Model Checking. CAV 1991: 225-232
2 Thomas Filkorn, Richard Schmid, Erik Tidén, Peter Warkentin: Experiences from a Large Industrial Circuit Design Application. ISLP 1991: 581-595
1 Richard Schmid, Hans-Albert Schneider, Thomas Filkorn: Using an Extended PROLOG to Solve the Lion and Unicorn Puzzle. J. Autom. Reasoning 5(3): 403-408 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Edmund M. Clarke [6] [9]
2Jürgen Dingel [8]
3Reinhard Enders [4] [5] [9]
4Somesh Jha [6] [9]
5Richard Schmid [1] [2]
6Hans-Albert Schneider [1]
7Dirk Taubner [4] [5]
8Erik Tidén [2]
9Peter Warkentin [2]
10Klaus Winkelmann [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)