
John C. Fiala

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6 Albert J. Wavering, Henry Schneiderman, John C. Fiala: High-Performance Tracking with TRICLOPS. ACCV 1995: 171-180
5EEJohn C. Fiala, Ronald Lumia, Karen J. Roberts, Albert J. Wavering: TRICLOPS: A tool for studying active vision. International Journal of Computer Vision 12(2-3): 231-250 (1994)
4EEDaniel Bullock, John C. Fiala, Stephen Grossberg: A neural model of timed response learning in the cerebellum. Neural Networks 7(6-7): 1101-1114 (1994)
3 Albert J. Wavering, John C. Fiala, Karen J. Roberts, Ronald Lumia: TRICLOPS: A High-Performance Trinocular Active Vision System. ICRA (3) 1993: 410-417
2EEJohn C. Fiala, Albert J. Wavering: Experimental evaluation of Cartesian stiffness control on a seven degree-of-freedom robot arm. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 5(1): 5-24 (1992)
1EEJohn C. Fiala, Robert M. Haralick: Comparison of a regular and an irregular decomposition of regions and volumes. Pattern Recognition 20(3): 309-319 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Bullock [4]
2Stephen Grossberg [4]
3Robert M. Haralick [1]
4Ronald Lumia [3] [5]
5Karen J. Roberts [3] [5]
6Henry Schneiderman [6]
7Albert J. Wavering [2] [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)