
Mirko Fetter

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7EEMirko Fetter, Tom Gross: Beyond the Dyad: understanding sharing in instant messaging. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4243-4248
6EETom Gross, Mirko Fetter, Sascha Liebsch: The cuetable: cooperative and competitive multi-touch interaction on a tabletop. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3465-3470
5 Mirko Fetter, Tom Gross, Benjamin Zeller: Disclosure Templates: Vorlagen für die selektive Freigabe persönlicher Informationen. Mensch & Computer 2008: 57-66
4EETom Gross, Mirko Fetter: CoDaMine: Communication Data Mining for Feedback and Control in Ubiquitous Environments. PDP 2008: 539-546
3EEMirko Fetter, Tom Gross: Contact management on the wall: a card-game metaphor for large displays. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008: 247-250
2 Mirko Fetter, Markus Etz, Heiko Blechschmied: Mobile chase - towards a framework for location-based gaming. GRAPP (AS/IE) 2007: 98-105
1 Julian Seifert, Tobias Pohl, Mirko Fetter, Tom Gross: Persistence of Memory: Nachhaltigkeit im Instant Messaging. Mensch & Computer 2007: 265-268

Coauthor Index

1Heiko Blechschmied [2]
2Markus Etz [2]
3Tom Gross [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Sascha Liebsch [6]
5Tobias Pohl [1]
6Julian Seifert [1]
7Benjamin Zeller [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)