
Alfredo Ferro

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16EEAlfredo Ferro, Rosalba Giugno, Giuseppe Pigola, Alfredo Pulvirenti, D. Skripin, G. D. Bader, Dennis Shasha: NetMatch: a Cytoscape plugin for searching biological networks. Bioinformatics 23(7): 910-912 (2007)
15EEAlfredo Ferro, Rosalba Giugno, M. Mongiovi, Giuseppe Pigola, Alfredo Pulvirenti: Distributed antipole clustering for efficient data search and management in Euclidean and metric spaces. IPDPS 2006
14EEDomenico Cantone, Alfredo Ferro, Rosalba Giugno, Giuseppe Lo Presti, Alfredo Pulvirenti: Multiple-Winners Randomized Tournaments with Consensus for Optimization Problems in Generic Metric Spaces. WEA 2005: 265-276
13 Cinzia Di Pietro, Alfredo Ferro, Giuseppe Pigola, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Michele Purrello, Marco Ragusa, Dennis Shasha: AntiClustAl: Multiple Sequence Alignment by Antipole Clustering. Data Mining in Bioinformatics 2005: 43-57
12EEDomenico Cantone, Alfredo Ferro, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Dennis Shasha: Antipole Tree Indexing to Support Range Search and K-Nearest Neighbor Search in Metric Spaces. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(4): 535-550 (2005)
11EECinzia Di Pietro, V. Di Pietro, G. Emmanuele, Alfredo Ferro, T. Maugeri, E. Modica, Giuseppe Pigola, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Michele Purrello, Marco Ragusa, M. Scalia, Dennis Shasha, S. Travali, V. Zimmitti: ANTICLUSTAL: Multiple Sequence Alignment by Antipole Clustering and Linear Approximate 1-Median Computation. CSB 2003: 326-336
10EEAlfredo Ferro, Rosalba Giugno, Alfredo Pulvirenti: Efficient Boundary Values Generation in General Metric Spaces for Software Component Testing. Verification: Theory and Practice 2003: 318-331
9EEAlfredo Ferro, Giuseppe Pigola, Alfredo Pulvirenti, Dennis Shasha: Fast Clustering and Minimum Weight Matching Algorithms for Very Large Mobile Backbone Wireless Networks. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(2): 223-236 (2003)
8EEAlfredo Ferro, Giovanni Gallo, Rosalba Giugno, Alfredo Pulvirenti: Best-Match Retrieval for Structured Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(7): 707-718 (2001)
7EEAlfredo Ferro, Giovanni Gallo, Rosalba Giugno: Error-Tolerant Database for Structured Images. VISUAL 1999: 51-59
6 Enrico Pontelli, Gopal Gupta, Francesco Pulvirenti, Alfredo Ferro: Automatic Compile-time Parallelization of Prolog Programs for Dependent And-Parallelism. ICLP 1997: 108-122
5 Alfredo Ferro: Decision Procedures for Elementary Sublanguages of Set Theory: XII. Multilevel Syllogistic Extended with Singleton and Choice Operators. J. Autom. Reasoning 7(2): 257-270 (1991)
4 Domenico Cantone, Vincenzo Cutello, Alfredo Ferro: Decision Procedures for Elementary Sublanguages of Set Theory. XIV. Three Languages Involving Rank Related Constructs. ISSAC 1988: 407-422
3 Alfredo Ferro, Giovanni Gallo: Groebner Bases, Ritt's Algorithm and Decision Procedures for Algebraic Theories. AAECC 1987: 230-237
2 Domenico Cantone, Alfredo Ferro, Jacob T. Schwartz: Decision Procedures for Elementary Sublanguages of Set Theory. V. Multilevel Syllogistic Extended by the General Union Operator. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 34(1): 1-18 (1987)
1 Alfredo Ferro, Eugenio G. Omodeo, Jacob T. Schwartz: Decision Procedures for Some Fragments of Set Theory. CADE 1980: 88-96

Coauthor Index

1G. D. Bader [16]
2Domenico Cantone [2] [4] [12] [14]
3Vincenzo Cutello [4]
4G. Emmanuele [11]
5Giovanni Gallo [3] [7] [8]
6Rosalba Giugno [7] [8] [10] [14] [15] [16]
7Gopal Gupta [6]
8T. Maugeri [11]
9E. Modica [11]
10M. Mongiovi [15]
11Eugenio G. Omodeo [1]
12Cinzia Di Pietro [11] [13]
13V. Di Pietro [11]
14Giuseppe Pigola [9] [11] [13] [15] [16]
15Enrico Pontelli [6]
16Giuseppe Lo Presti [14]
17Alfredo Pulvirenti [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
18Francesco Pulvirenti [6]
19Michele Purrello [11] [13]
20Marco Ragusa [11] [13]
21Diego Reforgiato Recupero [12]
22M. Scalia [11]
23Jacob T. Schwartz [1] [2]
24Dennis Shasha [9] [11] [12] [13] [16]
25D. Skripin [16]
26S. Travali [11]
27V. Zimmitti [11]

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