
Eugénio C. Ferreira

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13EEPedro Evangelista, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Miguel Rocha: Evolutionary Approaches for Strain Optimization Using Dynamic Models under a Metabolic Engineering Perspective. EvoBIO 2009: 140-151
12EEAnália Lourenço, R. Carreira, Sónia Carneiro, Paulo Maia, D. Glez-Pea, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Isabel Rocha, Miguel Rocha: A framework for the development of Biomedical Text Mining software tools. BIBE 2008: 1-6
11EERui Mendes, Anália Lourenço, Sónia Carneiro, Miguel Rocha, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks. BIBE 2008: 1-6
10EEPaulo Maia, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Miguel Rocha: Evaluating evolutionary multiobjective algorithms for the in silico optimization of mutant strains. BIBE 2008: 1-6
9EEJosé P. Pinto, Oscar Días, Anália Lourenço, Sónia Carneiro, Eugénio C. Ferreira, Isabel Rocha, Miguel Rocha: Data Integration Issues in the Reconstruction of the Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Zymomonas Mobillis. IWPACBB 2008: 92-101
8EEMiguel Rocha, José P. Pinto, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Optimization of Bacterial Strains with Variable-Sized Evolutionary Algorithms. CIBCB 2007: 331-337
7EEMiguel Rocha, Rui Mendes, Paulo Maia, José P. Pinto, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Evaluating Simulated Annealing Algorithms in the Optimization of Bacterial Strains. EPIA Workshops 2007: 473-484
6EEMiguel Rocha, José P. Pinto, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Evaluating Evolutionary Algorithms and Differential Evolution for the Online Optimization of Fermentation Processes. EvoBIO 2007: 236-246
5EEEnrique Herrera, Bernardino Castillo, Jesús Ramírez, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Exact Fuzzy Observer for a Baker's Yeast Fed-Batch Fermentation Process. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
4 Enrique Herrera, Bernardino Castillo, Jesús Ramírez, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Takagi-sugeno multiple-model controller for a continuous baking yeast fermentation process. ICINCO-ICSO 2007: 436-439
3EEMiguel Rocha, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: A new representation in evolutionary algorithms for the optimization of bioprocesses. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 484-490
2EEIsabel A. Espírito-Santo, Edite M. G. P. Fernandes, M. Madalena Araújo, Eugénio C. Ferreira: NEOS Server Usage in Wastewater Treatment Cost Minimization. ICCSA (4) 2005: 632-641
1EEMiguel Rocha, José Neves, Isabel Rocha, Eugénio C. Ferreira: Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Control in Fed-Batch Fermentation Processes. EvoWorkshops 2004: 84-93

Coauthor Index

1M. Madalena Araújo [2]
2Sónia Carneiro [9] [11] [12]
3R. Carreira [12]
4Bernardino Castillo [4] [5]
5Oscar Días [9]
6Isabel A. Espírito-Santo [2]
7Pedro Evangelista [13]
8Edite M. G. P. Fernandes [2]
9D. Glez-Pea [12]
10Enrique Herrera [4] [5]
11Anália Lourenço [9] [11] [12]
12Paulo Maia [7] [10] [12]
13Rui Mendes [7] [11]
14José Neves [1]
15José P. Pinto [6] [7] [8] [9]
16Jesús Ramírez [4] [5]
17Florentino Fernández Riverola (Florentino Fdez-Riverola) [12]
18Isabel Rocha [1] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
19Miguel Rocha [1] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)