
Chun-Bo Feng

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16EEYumin Zhang, Lei Guo, Chun-Bo Feng: Stability Analysis on a Neutral Neural Network Model. ICIC (1) 2005: 697-706
15EELei Guo, Keyou Zhao, Chun-Bo Feng: Proper Output Feedback Hinfinity Control for Descriptor Systems: A Convex Optimization Approach. ICNC (3) 2005: 698-702
14EEChangyin Sun, Liangzhen Xia, Chun-Bo Feng: Globally Attractive Periodic Solutions of Continuous-Time Neural Networks and Their Discrete-Time Counterparts. ISNN (1) 2005: 271-275
13EEYumin Zhang, Lei Guo, Lingyao Wu, Chun-Bo Feng: On Stochastic Neutral Neural Networks. ISNN (1) 2005: 69-74
12EEChangyin Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: Neural Networks for Nonconvex Nonlinear Programming Problems: A Switching Control Approach. ISNN (1) 2005: 694-699
11EELei Guo, Yumin Zhang, Chengliang Liu, Hong Wang, Chun-Bo Feng: Optimal Actuator Fault Detection via MLP Neural Network for PDFs. ISNN (3) 2005: 550-555
10EEShaosheng Zhou, Gang Feng, Chun-Bo Feng: Robust control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems: adaptive fuzzy approach based on backstepping. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 151(1): 1-20 (2005)
9EEL. O. Guo, Yumin Zhang, Chun-Bo Feng: Output feedback PD Hinfinity controller design for descriptor system. ICARCV 2004: 1169-1175
8EEL. O. Guo, Yumin Zhang, Chun-Bo Feng: Generalized Hinfinity performance and mixed H2/Hinfinity optimization for time delay systems. ICARCV 2004: 36-41
7EEChangyin Sun, Xunming Li, Chun-Bo Feng: On Robust Periodicity of Delayed Dynamical Systems with Time-Varying Parameters. ISNN (1) 2004: 32-37
6EEChangyin Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: Exponential periodicity and stability of delayed neural networks. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 66(6): 469-478 (2004)
5 Changyin Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: Exponential Periodicity of Continuous-time and Discrete-Time Neural Networks with Delays. Neural Processing Letters 19(2): 131-146 (2004)
4EEChangyin Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: On Robust Exponential Periodicity of Interval Neural Networks with Delays. Neural Processing Letters 20(1): 53-61 (2004)
3EEChangyin Sun, Changgui Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: Exponential periodicity of neural networks with delays. ISCAS (5) 2003: 681-684
2 Changyin Sun, Chun-Bo Feng: Global Robust Exponential Stability of Interval Neural Networks with Delays. Neural Processing Letters 17(1): 107-115 (2003)
1EETian-Ping Zhang, Chun-Bo Feng: Fuzzy variable structure control via output feedback. Int. J. Systems Science 28(3): 309-319 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Gang Feng [10]
2L. O. Guo [8] [9]
3Lei Guo [11] [13] [15] [16]
4Xunming Li [7]
5Chengliang Liu [11]
6Changgui Sun [3]
7Changyin Sun [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [12] [14]
8Hong Wang [11]
9Lingyao Wu [13]
10Liangzhen Xia [14]
11Tian-Ping Zhang [1]
12Yumin Zhang [8] [9] [11] [13] [16]
13Keyou Zhao [15]
14Shaosheng Zhou [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)