
Daniel P. Fasulo

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9EEKarin Noy, Daniel P. Fasulo: Robust Estimation and Graph-Based Meta Clustering for LC-MS Feature Extraction. BIBM 2007: 230-236
8EEKarin Noy, Daniel P. Fasulo: Improved model-based, platform-independent feature extraction for mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics 23(19): 2528-2535 (2007)
7EEDaniel P. Fasulo, Anne-Katrin Emde, Lu-Yong Wang, Karin Noy, Nathan Edwards: Alignment of Mass Spectrometry Data by Clique Finding and Optimization. Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics 2006: 119-129
6EELu-Yong Wang, Dorin Comaniciu, Daniel P. Fasulo: Exploiting Interactions among Polymorphisms Contributing to Complex Disease Traits with Boosted Generative Modeling. Journal of Computational Biology 13(10): 1673-1684 (2006)
5 Daniel P. Fasulo, Aaron L. Halpern, Ian M. Dew, Clark M. Mobarry: Efficiently detecting polymorphisms during the fragment assembly process. ISMB 2002: 294-302
4EERussell J. Turner, Kabir Chaturvedi, Nathan Edwards, Daniel P. Fasulo, Aaron L. Halpern, Daniel H. Huson, Oliver Kohlbacher, Jason R. Miller, Knut Reinert, Karin A. Remington, Russell Schwartz, Brian Walenz, Shibu Yooseph, Sorin Istrail: Visualization challenges for a new cyberpharmaceutical computing paradigm. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2001: 7-18
3 Daniel P. Fasulo, Tao Jiang, Richard M. Karp, Reuben Settergren, Edward C. Thayer: An Algorithmic Approach to Multiple Complete Digest Mapping. Journal of Computational Biology 6(2): 187-208 (1999)
2EEDaniel P. Fasulo, Tao Jiang, Richard M. Karp, Nitin Sharma: Constructing maps using the span and inclusion relations. RECOMB 1998: 64-73
1EEDaniel P. Fasulo, Tao Jiang, Richard M. Karp, Reuben Settergren, Edward C. Thayer: An algorithmic approach to multiple complete digest mapping. RECOMB 1997: 118-127

Coauthor Index

1Kabir Chaturvedi [4]
2Dorin Comaniciu [6]
3Ian M. Dew [5]
4Nathan Edwards [4] [7]
5Anne-Katrin Emde [7]
6Aaron L. Halpern [4] [5]
7Daniel H. Huson [4]
8Sorin Istrail [4]
9Tao Jiang [1] [2] [3]
10Richard M. Karp [1] [2] [3]
11Oliver Kohlbacher [4]
12Jason R. Miller [4]
13Clark M. Mobarry [5]
14Karin Noy [7] [8] [9]
15Knut Reinert [4]
16Karin A. Remington [4]
17Russell Schwartz [4]
18Reuben Settergren [1] [3]
19Nitin Sharma [2]
20Edward C. Thayer [1] [3]
21Russell J. Turner [4]
22Brian Walenz [4]
23Lu-Yong Wang [6] [7]
24Shibu Yooseph [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)