
Xinghua Fan

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9EEHoufeng Ma, Xinghua Fan, Ji Chen: An Incremental Chinese Text Classification Algorithm Based on Quick Clustering. ISIP 2008: 308-312
8EEXinghua Fan, Feng Hu, Simon X. Yang: A Fault Diagnosis Prototype System Based on Causality Diagram. ICIC (2) 2006: 589-595
7EEXinghua Fan: A High Performance Prototype System for Chinese Text Categorization. MICAI 2006: 1017-1026
6EEXinghua Fan, Difei Wan, Guoying Wang: Combining Bi-gram of Character and Word to Classify Two-Class Chinese Texts in Two Steps. RSCTC 2006: 597-606
5EEXinghua Fan, Maosong Sun: Knowledge representation and reasoning based on entity and relation propagation diagram/tree. Intell. Data Anal. 10(1): 81-102 (2006)
4EEXinghua Fan, Sun Maosong: A Method of Recognizing Entity and Relation. IJCNLP 2005: 245-256
3EEXinghua Fan, Sun Maosong, Key-Sun Choi, Qin Zhang: Classifying Chinese Texts in Two Steps. IJCNLP 2005: 302-313
2 Xinghua Fan: A Reasoning Algorithm in Multi-value Causality Diagram. IC-AI 2002: 1067-1073
1 Xinghua Fan: A Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm in Multi-value Causality Diagram. IC-AI 2002: 576-579

Coauthor Index

1Ji Chen [9]
2Key-Sun Choi [3]
3Feng Hu [8]
4Houfeng Ma [9]
5Sun Maosong [3] [4]
6Maosong Sun [5]
7Difei Wan [6]
8Guoying Wang [6]
9Simon X. Yang [8]
10Qin Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)