
Angelo M. Facchiano

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8EEAntonio Mucherino, Susan Costantini, Daniela di Serafino, Marco D'Apuzzo, Angelo M. Facchiano, Giovanni Colonna: Understanding the role of the topology in protein folding by computational inverse folding experiments. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(4): 233-239 (2008)
7EEAnna Marabotti, Francesca Spyrakis, Angelo M. Facchiano, Pietro Cozzini, Saverio Alberti, Glen E. Kellogg, Andrea Mozzarelli: Energy-based prediction of amino acid-nucleotide base recognition. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(12): 1955-1969 (2008)
6EESusan Costantini, Giovanni Colonna, Angelo M. Facchiano: Simulation of conformational changes occurring when a protein interacts with its receptor. Computational Biology and Chemistry 31(3): 196-206 (2007)
5EESusan Costantini, Giovanni Colonna, Angelo M. Facchiano: PreSSAPro: A software for the prediction of secondary structure by amino acid properties. Computational Biology and Chemistry 31(5-6): 389-392 (2007)
4EESusan Costantini, Giovanni Colonna, Angelo M. Facchiano: FASMA: A Service to Format and Analyze Sequences in Multiple Alignments. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 5(3-4): 253-255 (2007)
3EEAnna Marabotti, Giovanni Colonna, Angelo M. Facchiano: New computational strategy to analyze the interactions of ER alpha and ER beta with different ERE sequences. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(6): 1031-1041 (2007)
2 Angelo M. Facchiano, Antonio Facchiano, Francesco Facchiano: Active Sequences Collection (ASC) database: a new tool to assign functions to protein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 379-382 (2003)
1 Angelo M. Facchiano: HELM: searching for helix motifs within protein sequences. Bioinformatics 16(3): 292-293 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Saverio Alberti [7]
2Giovanni Colonna [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
3Susan Costantini [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Pietro Cozzini [7]
5Marco D'Apuzzo [8]
6Antonio Facchiano [2]
7Francesco Facchiano [2]
8Glen E. Kellogg [7]
9Anna Marabotti [3] [7]
10Andrea Mozzarelli [7]
11Antonio Mucherino [8]
12Daniela di Serafino [8]
13Francesca Spyrakis [7]

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