
Anat Eyal

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11EEZhuowei Bao, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davidson, Anat Eyal, Sanjeev Khanna: Differencing Provenance in Scientific Workflows. ICDE 2009: 808-819
10EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Simon Kamenkovich, Tova Milo: Querying business processes with BP-QL. Inf. Syst. 33(6): 477-507 (2008)
9EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Tova Milo, Alon Pilberg: BP-Mon: query-based monitoring of BPEL business processes. SIGMOD Record 37(1): 21-24 (2008)
8EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Tova Milo, Alon Pilberg: Query-based monitoring of BPEL business processes. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1122-1124
7EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Tova Milo, Alon Pilberg: Monitoring Business Processes with Queries. VLDB 2007: 603-614
6EESusan B. Davidson, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Anat Eyal, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy M. McPhillips, Shawn Bowers, Manish Kumar Anand, Juliana Freire: Provenance in Scientific Workflow Systems. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 30(4): 44-50 (2007)
5EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Simon Kamenkovich, Tova Milo: Querying Business Processes. VLDB 2006: 343-354
4EECatriel Beeri, Anat Eyal, Simon Kamenkovich, Tova Milo: Querying Business Processes with BP-QL. VLDB 2005: 1255-1258
3EEAnat Eyal, Tova Milo: Integrating and customizing heterogeneous e-commerce applications. VLDB J. 10(1): 16-38 (2001)
2 Anat Eyal, Tova Milo: Integrating and customizing heterogeneous e-commerce applications. TES 2000: 23-46
1EESerge Abiteboul, Bernd Amann, Sophie Cluet, Anat Eyal, Laurent Mignet, Tova Milo: Active Views for Electronic Commerce. VLDB 1999: 138-149

Coauthor Index

1Serge Abiteboul [1]
2Bernd Amann [1]
3Manish Kumar Anand [6]
4Zhuowei Bao [11]
5Catriel Beeri [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
6Sarah Cohen Boulakia [6] [11]
7Shawn Bowers [6]
8Sophie Cluet [1]
9Susan B. Davidson [6] [11]
10Juliana Freire [6]
11Simon Kamenkovich [4] [5] [10]
12Sanjeev Khanna [11]
13Bertram Ludäscher [6]
14Timothy M. McPhillips [6]
15Laurent Mignet [1]
16Tova Milo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
17Alon Pilberg [7] [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)