
André Everts

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10EEUlrich Thiel, Holger Brocks, Andrea Dirsch-Weigand, André Everts, Ingo Frommholz, Adelheit Stein: Queries in Context: Access to Digitized Historic Documents in a Collaboratory for the Humanities. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments 2005: 117-127
9EEJohn Cosmas, Take Itagaki, Kannan Krishnapillai, Alan Lucas, Mohammed Akhtar, Graham Thomas, Jigna Chandaria, Wolfgang Putz, André Everts, Michael Probst, Peter Stammnitz, Jens Guether, Wolfram Liebsch, Gerhard Stoll, Christoph Dosch, Reiner Socker, Chris Brendes, Ronald Mies, Dick Van Smirren, Benoit Mory, Nicolas Santini, Alan Pearmain, Yakup Paker, Mounia Lalmas, Damien Parwporth, Ekaterina Moutogianni, Gunn Klungsoeyr, Lena Pedersen, Pers-Steinar Hansen, Klaus Illgner: Broadcast technologies for disseminating cultural heritage. Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage 2001: 67-76
8 Silvia Hollfelder, André Everts, Ulrich Thiel: Designing for Semantic Access: A Video Browsing System. Multimedia Tools Appl. 11(3): 281-293 (2000)
7EESilvia Hollfelder, André Everts, Ulrich Thiel: Concept-Based Browsing in Video Libraries. ADL 1999: 105-115
6EESilvia Hollfelder, André Everts, Ulrich Thiel: Designing for Semantic Access: A Video Browsing System. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 394-399
5EEUlrich Thiel, André Everts, Barbara Lutes, Adelheit Stein: Can Rule-Based Indexing Support Concept-Based Multimedia Retrieval in Digital Libraries? Some Experimental Results. MIRA 1999
4 Ulrich Thiel, Silvia Hollfelder, André Everts: Multimedia Management and Query Processing Issues in Distributed Digital Libraries: A HERMES Perspective. DEXA Workshop 1998: 84-89
3 André Everts, Silvia Hollfelder, Ulrich Thiel: Browsing Descriptors and Content-Based Presentation Support for Videos. Workshop Multimedia-Systeme, GI Jahrestagung 1998: 85-93
2EEUlrich Thiel, André Everts, Barbara Lutes, Kostas Tzeras: Integration und Suche in Digitalen Bibliotheken: Ein logikbasierter Ansatz. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 13(3): 147-158 (1998)
1 Adrian Müller, André Everts: Interactive Image Retrieval by Means of Abductive Inference. RIAO 1997: 450-469

Coauthor Index

1Mohammed Akhtar [9]
2Chris Brendes [9]
3Holger Brocks [10]
4Jigna Chandaria [9]
5John Cosmas [9]
6Andrea Dirsch-Weigand [10]
7Christoph Dosch [9]
8Ingo Frommholz [10]
9Jens Guether [9]
10Pers-Steinar Hansen [9]
11Klaus Illgner [9]
12Takebumi Itagaki (Take Itagaki) [9]
13Gunn Klungsoeyr [9]
14Kannan Krishnapillai [9]
15Mounia Lalmas [9]
16Wolfram Liebsch [9]
17Alan Lucas [9]
18Barbara Lutes [2] [5]
19Ronald Mies [9]
20Benoit Mory [9]
21Ekaterina Moutogianni [9]
22Adrian Müller [1]
23Yakup Paker [9]
24Damien Parwporth [9]
25Alan Pearmain [9]
26Lena Pedersen [9]
27Michael Probst [9]
28Wolfgang Putz [9]
29Nicolas Santini [9]
30Dick Van Smirren [9]
31Reiner Socker [9]
32Silvia von Stackelberg (Silvia Hollfelder) [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
33Peter Stammnitz [9]
34Adelheit Stein [5] [10]
35Gerhard Stoll [9]
36Ulrich Thiel [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
37Graham Thomas [9]
38Kostas Tzeras [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)